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Collaborative sales planning software

Poor planning cycles hamper growth, threaten successful sales and drive away your best sales leaders. Take a new approach: an integrated sales analytics and planning solution.

Help your salespeople reach quotas. Improve average profit margin per target market. Shorten the sales cycle. IBM® Planning Analytics lets you track and analyze sales rep performance, and sales capacity data in real time. Use the power of AI to gain an in-depth understanding of your target customers, optimize KPIs, increase lead generation and drive new business.


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What you can do
360-degree view of sales operations

Get real-time visualization of sales targets, sales quotas, capacity and incentives to optimize effective sales plans, enhance productivity and reach revenue targets. Link your sales planning processes to business drivers in other departments—such as finance, operations or CRM—for a single, consistent view of sales metrics for all stakeholders.

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AI-infused sales forecasts

Deploy AI-infused predictive forecasting to automate resource allocation and territory planning to get a competitive advantage and reach business goals. With the help of sales analytics solutions, sales managers can anticipate market conditions, tailor their sales plan template to the customer profile, set realistic sales goals, and create a roadmap for growth.

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Strong sales tools for territory management

Plan reliable territory forecasts. Ensure achievable quota targets and action plans for compensation with decision optimization and what-if scenario modeling. Streamline territory planning by pulling together various data sources empowering your team members to reach the ideal customer and achieve revenue goals faster.

Why IBM Planning Analytics? Uncover and meet dynamic target audience needs with real-time analysis of sales data. Move towards benchmarks powered by unmatched computational performance built on TM1 technology. Easily expand into new markets and promote new products. Read the solution brief Align with the company mission

Extend planning and analysis (xP&A) across all lines of business to ensure that your sales strategy and operational plans are aligned with the marketing strategy. Support transparency, collaboration, and alignment across your organization’s team structures.

Continuously plan and adapt

Create continuous, real-time sales budgets and forecasts that look beyond the fiscal year. Evaluate short-term milestones and future prospecting goals, from monthly to daily to hourly. Adapt your sales business plan as fast and frequently as needed.

Get accuracy and consistency

Harness the power of AI and augment human intelligence to create more accurate, consistent, and timely sales forecasts without the need for a data scientist. Get the resource planning and management of sales reps needed to get new sales.

Product reviews
Case study
Industry: banking AI-infused Financial planning in dynamic banking conditions conditions

ICBC Argentina automated and streamlined its financial planning, budgeting and reporting processes with AI-infused capabilities, allowing the bank to save valuable time. When it came to developing “what if” planning scenarios, the tool was able to reduce a two-day process into a matter of seconds.

Read the case study
It’s much easier to get acceptance as you build a system, rather than when you release it,” he explains. “So we involve people in these projects and gain their acceptance all the way. Christoffer Zielfelt Group Business Controller, Länsförsäkringar AB Learn more

Frequently asked questions

Flat files, such as spreadsheets, word docs, budgeting and forecasting applications, as well as ERP, CRM and any API can be integrated by IBM Planning Analytics with Watson.

Depending on your company's demands and requirements, the installation procedure can take between 8 weeks to several months.

The engine, a multidimensional database with a cell-oriented layout similar to spreadsheets, is at the heart of IBM Planning Analytics. Its cells are linked to the underlying database via your formulas. All of Excel's data visualization and analysis capabilities are available in a centralized platform.

Where it's used

Cross-industry use cases


Transcend the limits of manual planning with simplified, integrated financial planning and analysis. Achieve consensus between income statements, balance sheets and cash flow.

Supply chain

Blend hierarchy advanced analytics and an unlimited sandbox of “what-if” scenario analysis into your supply chain processes. With the foresight to pivot quickly, you can turn disruptions into opportunities.

HR and workforce

Automate and streamline HR management processes–employment, salary, bonuses, headcounts, and benefits planning–all in one platform. Develop accurate AI-guided workforce plans and forecasts based on changes in staffing, location, return to work, remuneration, retention, churn rates and more.

Take the next step

See IBM Planning Analytics in action. Discover how you can take your sales planning and analytics processes to the next level.

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