Changing the number of virtual users during a run

If the number of virtual users initially defined is incorrect, you can change the number of users. The change can be applied to one stage or to all remaining stages in the schedule.


  1. Click Add Virtual Users icon in the Performance Test Runs view, which displays details of the run.
  2. In the Run Test window, type the number of virtual users to add or remove, and then select the scope of the change.
    Option Description
    Add users If a schedule contains only percentage groups, the virtual users are added by proportion. For example, assume that your schedule contains three user groups, assigned at 20%, 30%, and 50%. If you add 10 virtual users, two added are to the first group, three are added to the second group, and five are added to the third group.

    If a schedule contains both absolute and percentage groups, the absolute groups are assigned first. For example, assume that your schedule has one user group that is fixed at 10 users, and only one virtual user is running in that group. You add 100 virtual users. Nine virtual users are added to the absolute group, and the remaining virtual users are apportioned among the percentage groups.

    Remove users Users are removed proportionately from user groups according to each user group's percentage value. The time at which users are asked to stop is controlled by the Change rate that you set in the schedule.
    Apply to all remaining stages Click to apply the change to all remaining stages in the schedule run, and clear to apply the change only to the current stage.
  3. Click Finish.
