IBM Support

Getting Started with Remote Cleartool (rcleartool) - CCRC CLI

Question & Answer


How do I install, configure, and get started with CCRC CLI?


This document describes the installation and configuration of CCRC CLI.


The CCRC CLI is installed with the ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) package. This is available for install through the IBM Installation Manager.


This release of CCRC CLI (rcleartool) requires a CCRC WAN Server to be upgraded to ClearCase version 9.0.1 or higher.

IBM Rational ClearCase or IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client

Installing either IBM Rational ClearCase or the IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client installs CCRC CLI. These are sample paths to the installation:

C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\RemoteClient\rcleartool.bat
C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\RemoteClient\rcleartool.conf

Unix systems:

IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer Extension

If ClearTeam Explorer Extension is installed into a Rational Desktop product, the rcleartool script file will be installed alongside eclipse.exe for that product. For example when CTE is installed into Rational Team Concert (RTC), you could find the rcleartool files here:

C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\rcleartool.bat
C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\rcleartool.conf


NOTE: Installing ClearTeam Explorer Extension in RTC on Windows
When installing into RTC, the java path provided at installation time is not compatible with CCRC CLI. This is a known issue with this release. The following work around is required to use rcleartool under this scenario.
1. Locate rcleartool.bat
Example: C:\Program Files\IBM\TeamConcert\rcleartool.bat
2. Open the file for editing.
3. The following line must be modified, keep the path provided in <PATH TO TEAM CONCERT> and only replace javaw.exe with java.exe.
if not defined _JAVACMD set _JAVACMD=<PATH TO TEAM CONCERT>\jdk\jre\bin\javaw.exe

if not defined _JAVACMD set _JAVACMD=<PATH TO TEAM CONCERT>\jdk\jre\bin\java.exe

4. Proceed to run rcleartool for the first time.

Running rcleartool for the first time

On the first run of rcleartool, there will be an automatic configuration of paths to determine where to find the rcleartool jars and the CM API jars path. This information is written to the rcleartool script for future use with this release.

Note: An automatic configuration of paths will only work if the current directory must be the directory containing rcleartool, such as this:

# cd /opt/rational/clearcase/RemoteClient
# ./rcleartool
Configuring rcleartool for first time use
Configuring /opt/ibm/RationalSDLC/clearcase/RemoteClient/rcleartool for first time use.
Finished updating /opt/ibm/RationalSDLC/clearcase/RemoteClient/rcleartool
RCleartool now configured for use. Please re-enter command.

Note: On Unix, rcleartool script requires root access to write/modify script itself. So if you run rcleartool script for the first time other than root then it will create a copy of rcleartool script into the user's home directory and configure it automatically. You can use this new rcleartool script for future rcleartool use.

Adding rcleartool to your system PATH

Installing CCRC CLI does not automatically add rcleartool to your PATH variable. If you want to be able to run the 'rcleartool' command from any directory, add the installed directory (see above for example paths to rcleartool).

What is rcleartool.conf?

The file 'rcleartool.conf' is a text file that should be present in the same directory as 'rcleartool.bat' (or 'rcleartool' on UNIX). This file is used to provide any custom Java VM flags. For instance, if you wanted to specify a particular language, in this example Spanish, you could add a line to the file 'rcleartool.conf':


There are no required properties to be set in this file at this time.

Manual configuration of the rcleartool script

If you are installing ClearTeam Explorer from the Eclipse update site, 'rcleartool.bat' / 'rcleartool' scripts must be configured manually. Take the following steps to manually configure the rcleartool scripts. In the following example <ECLIPSE_HOME> refers to the location of your eclipse installation, the same directory eclipse.exe would reside.

On Windows:

  1. Copy 'rcleartool.bat' from (your path version number may be slightly different, choose the latest version of the CCRC CLI directory) <ECLIPSE_HOME>\plugins\\rcleartool.bat
    to <ECLIPSE_HOME>\rcleartool.bat
  2. Open 'rcleartool.bat' to edit the following line replacing <JAVA_EXE_PATH> with the full path to your installed version of Java 6 (or greater) JRE:
    if not defined _JAVACMD set _JAVACMD=_JAVA_CMD_PATH_
    if not defined _JAVACMD set _JAVACMD=<JAVA_EXE_PATH>

    Here is an example of a valid input for this line:
    if not defined _JAVACMD set _JAVACMD=C:\Program Files\IBM\Java60\jre\bin\java.exe
  3. In case of problem you may need to define additional variables, example:
  • if not defined RCLEARTOOL_HOME set RCLEARTOOL_HOME=<ECLIPSE_HOME>\plugins\
    if not defined JARS_DIR set JARS_DIR=<ECLIPSE_HOME>\plugins\
    if not defined ORG_APACHE_XML_PATH set ORG_APACHE_XML_PATH=<ECLIPSE_HOME>\plugins\org.apache.xmlrpc_2.0.0.jar

4. Run the 'rcleartool.bat' file once to configure the remaining paths automatically. Note: An automatic configuration of the remaining paths will only work if the current directory must be the directory containing rcleartool.

5. You may now add <ECLIPSE_HOME> to your system PATH variable in order to run rcleartool from any directory in your command window.

On Unix:
  1. Copy 'rcleartool.bat' from (your path version number may be slightly different, choose the latest version of the CCRC CLI directory) <ECLIPSE_HOME>\plugins\\rcleartool
    to <ECLIPSE_HOME>\rcleartool
  2. Open 'rcleartool' to edit the following line replacing <JAVA_EXE_PATH> with the full path to your installed version of Java 6 (or greater) JRE:

    Here is an example of a valid input for this line:
  3. Run 'rcleartool' once to configure the remaining paths automatically. Note: An automatic configuration of the remaining paths will only work if the current directory must be the directory containing rcleartool.
  4. You may now add <ECLIPSE_HOME> to your system PATH variable.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000boUpAAI","label":"ClearCase-\u003ECCRC-\u003ECCRC CLI"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0.1;9.0.2;9.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
18 May 2022

