Restoring authorities for independent auxiliary storage pool data

You can use the methods shown in these figures to restore authority for an independent auxiliary storage pool (ASP).

Note: These scenarios are examples of the most common restore options.

To restore authorities for data that was saved from an independent ASP and that will be restored to an independent ASP with an identical name, use this command:

Figure 1. Save data from an independent ASP and restore it to an independent ASP with an identical name
Save from an independent ASP and restore it to an independent ASP with an identical name

To restore authorities for data that was saved from *SYSBAS and that will be restored to an independent ASP, use this command:

Figure 2. Save data from *SYSBAS and restore it to an independent ASP
Save from *SYSBAS and restore it to an independent ASP

To restore authorities for data that was saved from an independent ASP and that will be restored to an independent ASP with a different name, use this command:

Figure 3. Save data from an independent ASP and restore it to an independent ASP with a different name
Save from an independent ASP and restore it to an independent ASP with a different name

To restore to *SYSBAS the private authorities for objects that were previously restored, use this command:

RSTUSRPRF DEV('device-path-name') USRPRF(*ALL)