Guidelines for restoring information from the development system

Follow these guidelines when you restore information from the development system.

  1. Determine which system to restore first. To assist in determining this, you might need to answer several questions: Which system is more complex? Which has more users? Which system is more critical to your operations? If you are choosing between merging a production system and merging a development system, selecting the production system is recommended.

    Restore the production system by following the steps in Table 1.

  2. User profiles and associated objects that are the same on both systems will not be merged. However, they are affected in the following manner:
    • Object owners, authorization lists, and primary groups will be restored from the production system.
    • Passwords and group connections will be restored from the development system.
    • Merging of private authorities is an AND operation. The object authorities and data authorities will be added together from both systems. The resulting authorities on the merged system will be the higher of the matching authorities from the production and development systems.
    • USRPRF (*NEW) and OMITUSRPRF are parameters that might be useful when you consolidate systems. They allow you to restore only new user profiles or omit certain user profiles. If you want to preserve the Digital Certificate Manager information when you combine the systems, specify the OMITUSRPRF(*DCM) parameter on the RSTUSRPRF command. See Restoring user profiles.
  3. Groups of configurations that are needed from the development system can be restored with the Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) command:
    RSTCFG OBJ(workstation) OBJTYPE(*DEVD)
    Automatic configuration can also be enabled to recover the groups of configurations from the development system.
  4. User libraries can be restored with the Restore Library (RSTLIB) command.
    Note: Be sure to omit any IBM-supplied libraries such as QGPL and QUSRSYS.
    If there are libraries that are the same on both systems, you should consider using the OPTION(*NEW) parameter to restore only the new objects:
    RSTLIB SAVLIB(user_library) OPTION(*NEW)
    Then determine which objects you want from each system and restore those objects individually. If there are objects in QGPL or QUSRSYS that are unique to either system, those objects should be restored individually as well.
  5. Documents and folders can be restored with the Restore Document Library Object (RSTDLO) command. When saving documents and folders to be restored, any IBM-supplied folders should be omitted when using the Save Document Library Object (SAVDLO) command:
    If any IBM-supplied folders are restored, the original information might be overwritten. Additional considerations will need to be made if any of the DLOs are from a previous release.
  6. The integrated file system objects can be restored with the following command:
  7. Once the preceding instructions have been completed, run the Restore Authorities (RSTAUT) command.
  8. Once the RSTAUT command completes, perform a normal initial program load (IPL).