Inactive Job Time-Out Interval (QINACTITV)

The Inactive Job Time-Out Interval (QINACTITV) system value specifies in minutes how long the system allows a job to be inactive before taking action.

A workstation is considered inactive if it is in display wait (DSPW) status, or if it is waiting for message input with no user interaction. Some examples of user interaction are:
  • Using the Enter key
  • Using the paging function
  • Using function keys
  • Using the Help key

Emulation sessions through IBM® i Access are included. Local jobs that are signed on to a remote system are excluded. Jobs that are connected by file transfer protocol (FTP) are excluded. To control the time-out of FTP connections, change the INACTTIMO parameter on the Change FTP Attribute (CHGFTPA) command. To control the time-out of telnet sessions before V4R2, use the Change Telnet Attribute (CHGTELNA) command.

The following examples show how the system determines which jobs are inactive:

  • A user uses the system request function to start a second interactive job. A system interaction, such as the Enter key, on either job causes both jobs to be marked as active.
  • A IBM i Access job might appear inactive to the system if the user is performing PC functions, such as editing a document, without interacting with the system.

The QINACTMSGQ system value determines what action the system takes when an inactive job exceeds the specified interval.

The QINACTITV and QINACTMSGQ system values provide security by preventing users from leaving inactive workstations signed on. An inactive workstation might allow an unauthorized person access to the system.

Table 1. Possible values for the QINACTITV system value:
*NONE: The system does not check for inactive jobs.
interval-in-minutes Specify a value of 5 through 300. When a job has been inactive for that number of minutes, the system takes the action specified in QINACTMSGQ.

Recommended value: 60 minutes