Fix groups

A PTF group or fix group is a name that is used to order and manage a group of logically related PTFs.

A PTF group or fix group consists of a list of PTFs that are defined for the purpose of managing those PTFs as one entity. A PTF group can identify other PTF groups called related PTF groups. A related fix group is a fix group that is listed in another fix group. The fixes in the fix group as well as the fixes in all related fix groups are used to determine the overall status of the fix group. The level of the related PTF groups used to resolve the status of the PTF group is the highest level of the related PTF group that has a status of Installed or Apply at next IPL. If no levels of the related PTF group have a status of Installed or Apply at next IPL, the latest level of the related PTF group that exists on the system will be used.

Fix group levels

Multiple levels are allowed for each PTF group on the system. The number of levels kept for each PTF group is controlled by the PTF group levels service attribute. Use the Display Service Attributes (DSPSRVA) command to display the current PTF group levels value. The default for the PTF group levels service attribute is 2, which indicates that the system keeps the previous level of a group when a new PTF group is downloaded or installed. Specify the PTF group levels (PTFGRPLVL) parameter on the Change Service Attributes (CHGSRVA) command to set the maximum number of levels of a PTF group to keep on the system. When the number of levels of the PTF group on the system exceeds this value, the lowest levels of the PTF group are deleted, leaving only the specified number of levels of the PTF group on the system.

Fix groups for a specific release

PTF groups can contain a target release field that indicates if a PTF group is associated with a specific IBM® i release. A PTF group is automatically deleted if the PTF group does not contain a target release or if the target release is less than the current release and the PTF group does not contain PTFs for any installed or supported licensed programs. PTF groups are automatically deleted during IBM i install and during Operational Assist (OA) cleanup. The Target release field, displayed on the Work with PTF groups (WRKPTFGRP) command panels, can be specified on the QpzCreatePtfGroup API, and is returned on the QpzListPtfGroups and QpzListPtfGroupDetails APIs.

IBM fix groups

IBM creates and maintains a set of PTF groups for certain functions on the system. PTF groups are available for each supported IBM i release and are updated periodically. For a complete listing of PTF groups, see the Group PTFs information at the Fixes Link outside information center Website.

Cumulative PTF package

The cumulative PTF package is shown as a PTF group on the Work with PTF Groups (WRKPTFGRP) display and in the IBM Navigator for i or Management Central fix group inventory. The cumulative PTF package is identified as a PTF group named in the format SF99vrm where vrm stands for version, release, and modification of the operating system. However, the Management Central functions of sending fixes, sending and installing fixes, and installing fixes are not supported for the cumulative fix group.
Note: It is recommended that your systems be at the same level of the cumulative PTF package before using the Compare and Update function.

Order the latest level of the cumulative PTF package for the release of the operating system that is installed on the system by using Fix Central or SNDPTFORD *CUMPKG from each endpoint system. Select GO PTF option 8 (Install program temporary fix package) or the Install PTF (INSPTF) command to install the cumulative PTF package and maintain the correct PTF group information for the cumulative PTF package. Then use the Compare and Update wizard to work with a smaller number of differences. By following this recommendation, you ensure that the special instructions that accompany the cumulative PTF package are followed.

Technology Refresh PTF group

The Technology Refresh PTF group contains the latest technology refresh PTF and additional PTFs to provide all of the new function contained in the latest Technology Refresh for the current release. This PTF group replaces modification releases starting in IBM i 7.1, and contains new hardware-related function.

For more information about the Technology Refresh PTF group, see the Group PTFs information at the Fixes Link outside information center Website.

PTF group tasks

In IBM Navigator for i, you can perform these tasks for fix groups: send, send and install, or install. When you select a fix group to send and install, the fixes from all related fix groups are also sent and installed.

In addition, see the following items for information about the tasks that you can perform with PTF groups:

Order PTF groups
You can order PTF groups through several different methods. To determine the best way for you, refer to Ordering fixes.
Manage PTF groups
Manage your PTF groups with the Work with PTF Groups (WRKPTFGRP) command, the Copy PTF Group (CPYPTFGRP) command, or the fix group function that is available from IBM Navigator for i
Display properties for fix groups
Use IBM Navigator for i to display properties for fixes and fix groups. Refer to Displaying properties of a fix.
Create PTF groups
Create your own fix group with the Create PTF Group (QpzCreatePtfGroup) API.