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Module mod_authn_core

Module mod_authn_core supports directives for the IBM® HTTP Server for i Web server.


The mod_authn_core module provides core authentication capabilities to allow or deny access to portions of the web site. mod_authn_core provides directives that are common to all authentication providers.


Module: mod_authn_core
Syntax: AuthName auth-domain
Default: none
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Origin: Modified
Example: AuthName "IBM Server"

The AuthName directive sets the name of the authorization realm for a directory. This realm is given to the client during basic authentication to inform the user about which username and password to send. To work properly this directive must be accompanied by AuthType Basic, and directives such as PasswdFile.

Parameter: auth-domain
Auth-domain takes a single argument; If the realm name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks.


Module: mod_authn_core
Syntax: AuthType type
Default: none
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Origin: Modified
Example: AuthType None
Example: AuthType Basic
Example: AuthType SSL
Example: AuthType Kerberos
Example: AuthType KerberosOrBasic

The AuthType directive selects the type of user authentication for a directory. For Basic authentication to work properly this directive must be accompanied by AuthName. If Kerberos is specified, the Require directive must be specified and the PasswdFile directive should be included and set to %%KERBEROS%%. The AuthName, LDAPConfigFile, and LDAPRequire directives may be configured in the same container, but will be ignored.

Parameter: type
  • The type parameter value specifies the type of user authentication for a directory. Valid values include:Start of change
    Configuring "AuthType None" disables authentication. When authentication is enabled, it is normally inherited by each subsequent configuration section, unless a different authentication type is specified. If no authentication is desired for a subsection of an authenticated section, the authentication type None may be used; in the following example, clients may access the /www/webserver/htdocs/public directory without authenticating:
    <Directory /www/webserver/htdocs>
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName Documents
        PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%% 
        Require valid-user
    <Directory /www/webserver/htdocs/public>
        AuthType None
        Require all granted
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    Configuring "AuthType Basic" specifies that the server protects resources based on a user ID and password. The user will be prompted for a user ID and password the first time a request is made for a resource protected by this directive. This directive may be used on either a secure or a non-secure HTTP session. On a non-secure HTTP session, the user ID and password are encoded, but not encrypted.
    Note: Note: In order to use the directive "SSLAuthType CertOrBasic", the AuthType directive must be specified with a value of type Basic.
    Configuring "AuthType SSL" specifies that the server will protect resources based on a SSL client certificate that is associated with a user ID. See the SSLAuthType directive for more information.
    Note: In order to use the directive "SSLAuthType Cert", the AuthType directive must be specified with a value of type SSL.
    Configuring "AuthType Kerberos" specifies that the server will accept a server ticket from a Kerberos-enabled client to authenticate a user.
    Configuring "AuthType KerberosOrBasic" specifies that the server will give a basic authentication prompt to those browsers who are either not in a kerberos enabled domain, not using Microsoft Internet Explorer, or if kerberos authentication fails for a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser in a kerberos realm. If the browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer configured for kerberos, and in a kerberos domain with the correct kerberos principal and keytab entries, there will be no prompt (uses kerberos HTTP negotiation). To work correctly the intersection of directives for "Kerberos" and "Basic" authority must be used. Kerberos specific directives will not work, because basic authentication can not use kerberos validation. These directives are required when using KerberosOrBasic:
    • AuthName
    • PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%%
    • Require: The parameter valid-user, user or group may be specified. For example: Require user kerbuser@DOMAIN.COM as400userid
    • The group file must include both the kerberos principal and the as400userid. For example Groupfile: productionusers: johndoe@WIN2003.DOMAIN.COM, jdoe
    • If you do not use the valid-user you must include both the kerberos client principal and the as400 userid to which it maps.

If you want to have SSL certificate checking, it is recommended that AuthType be set to type SSL.

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