Function invocation

Each reference to a scalar or aggregate function (either built-in or user-defined) conforms to specific syntax.

The syntax is as follows: 1

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramfunction-name( ALLDISTINCT1 ,parameter-name => expressionDEFAULTNULL )
  • 1 The ALL or DISTINCT keyword can be specified only for an aggregate function or a user-defined function that is sourced on an aggregate function.

Each reference to a table function conforms to the following syntax:

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramTABLE(function-name ( ,parameter-name => expressionDEFAULTNULL ))correlation-clause

In the above syntax, expression is the same as it is for a scalar or aggregate function. See Expressions for other rules for expression.

An argument is a value passed to a function upon invocation or the specification of DEFAULT. When a function is invoked in SQL, it is passed a list of zero or more arguments. They are positional in that the semantics of an argument are determined by its position in the argument list. A parameter is a formal definition of an input to a function. When a function is defined to the database, either internally (a built-in function) or by a user (a user-defined function), its parameters (zero or more) are specified, and the order of their definitions defines their positions and their semantics. Therefore, every parameter is a particular positional input to a function.

On invocation, an argument is assigned to a parameter using either the positional syntax or the named syntax. If using the positional syntax, an argument corresponds to a particular parameter according to its position in the list of arguments. If using the named syntax, an argument corresponds to a particular parameter by the name of the parameter. When an argument is assigned to a parameter using the named syntax, then all the arguments that follow it must also be assigned using the named syntax. The name of a named argument can appear only once in a function invocation. In cases where the data types of the arguments of the function invocation are not a match to the data types of the parameters of the selected function, the arguments are converted to the data type of the parameter at execution time using the same rules as assignment to columns. This includes the case where precision, scale, or length differs between the argument and the parameter. In cases where an argument of the function invocation is the specification of DEFAULT, the actual value used for the argument is the value specified as the default for the corresponding parameter in the function definition. If no default value was defined for the parameter, the null value is used. If an untyped expression (a parameter marker, a NULL keyword, or a DEFAULT keyword) is used as the argument, the data type associated with the argument is determined by the data type of the parameter of the selected function.

For SQL functions that are inlined and external functions, all references to date, time, or timestamp special register values in the argument list and in any default expressions will use one clock reading. For SQL functions that are not inlined, any references to date, time, or timestamp special register values in the argument list will use one clock reading for any default expressions and a separate clock reading for any references in the explicit arguments.

When the function is invoked, the value of each of its parameters is assigned, using storage assignment, to the corresponding parameter of the function. Control is passed to external functions according to the calling conventions of the host language. When execution of a user-defined aggregate or scalar function is complete, the result of the function is assigned, using storage assignment, to the result data type. For details on the assignment rules, see Assignments and comparisons.

Table functions can be referenced only in the FROM clause of a subselect. For more details on referencing a table function, see the description of the FROM clause in table-reference.

1 A few functions allow keywords instead of expressions. For example, the CHAR function allows a list of keywords to indicate the desired date format. A few functions use keywords instead of commas in a comma separated list of expressions. For example, the EXTRACT, TRIM, and POSITION functions use keywords.