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RPG application and OPNQRYF key mismatches might produce different results


Start of change Existing RPG applications that position a file using SETLL or SETGT with *LOVAL or *HIVAL, where the file corresponds to an OPNQRYF native query, might produce different results in v7r2 than in prior releases. This difference will only occur in cases where the RPG application was compiled with a file having a different key definition than what was specified on the OPNQRYFKEYFLD parameter. This mismatch was typically caught at application coding time, and corrected. However, certain mismatches can appear to produce the results expected by the programmer, and so it was not previously discovered. In v7r2, depending on the nature of the mismatch, the behavior may be different. If this mismatch is discovered, the application should be recompiled to ensure the key definitions match. Also, if SETLL or SETGT with *LOVAL or *HIVAL is used only to position to the top or bottom of a collated result set, then consider using SETLL *START or *END, which does not require keys generated by the compiler. End of change

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