File APIs
See the Database file management topic collection for information about traditional file management functions that your application uses in creating and accessing data on the system and in ensuring the integrity of the data. File management is the part of the operating system that controls the storing and accessing of traditional file objects (*FILE objects in the QSYS.LIB library) on the system.
The file APIs are:
- List Database File Members (QUSLMBR) generates a list of database file members and places the list in a user space.
- List Database Relations (QDBLDBR) provides information on how files and members are related to a specified database file.
- List Fields (QUSLFLD) generates a list of fields within a specified file record format name.
- List Open Files (QDMLOPNF) generates a list of *FILE objects that currently are open in the job or that were opened by the thread that is specified in the job identification information input parameter.
- List Record Formats (QUSLRCD) generates a list of record formats contained within a specified file.
- Replay Database Operation (QDBRPLAY) replays a database operation from a single journal entry.
- Retrieve Database File Description (QDBRTVFD) provides complete and specific information about a file on a local or remote system.
- Retrieve Display File Description (QDFRTVFD) allows you to get specific information about the data description specifications (DDS) definition used to create a display file.
- Retrieve File Override Information (QDMRTVFO) returns the name of the file, library, member, and final type of override that result from processing overrides for a specified file name.
- Retrieve Job Record Locks (QDBRJBRL) lets you generate a list of record locks that a specific job or thread is holding or for which it is waiting.
- Retrieve Member Description (QUSRMBRD) returns specific information about a single database file member.
- Retrieve Printer File Attributes (QDFRPRTA) allows you to retrieve the attributes used to create a printer file.
- Retrieve Record Locks (QDBRRCDL) lets you generate a list of jobs that are either waiting for or holding a specific record lock.
- Retrieve Short Name (QDBRTVSN) allows you to get the 10-character name of a database file by requesting the long file name of the database file.