Specifies the type of storage (static and automatic) that the module object uses.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSTGMDL Syntax:
   |          .-*SNGLVL----.    |

Default setting. The module or program uses the traditional single level storage model. Static and automatic storage for the object is allocated from single-level store, and can only be accessed using 16-byte pointers. The module can optionally access teraspace dynamic storage if the TERASPACE(*YES) option is specified.
The module or program uses the teraspace storage model. Teraspace storage model provides up to a 1-terabyte local address space for a single job. Static and automatic storage for the object is allocated from teraspace and can be accessed using either 8-byte or 16-byte pointers.
Valid only with the CRTCMOD and CRTCPPMOD commands. The module created can use either single level or teraspace storage. The type of storage used depends on the type of storage required by the caller.

Use of STGMDL(*TERASPACE) or STGMDL(*INHERIT) together with TERASPACE(*NO) is flagged as an error by the compiler, and compilation stops.

For more information about valid combinations for the STGMDL, TERASPACE, and DTAMDL compiler options, see TERASPACE.

For more information about the types of storage available on IBM i platforms, see Teraspace and single-level store in ILE Concepts.

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