Date and time system values: Time adjustment

The Time adjustment system value is also known as QTIMADJ. You can use this system value to identify the software to use as the time maintenance application that synchronizes your system time with an external time source.

Quick reference
Location From System i® Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > Time Management > Time Adjustment.
Special authority None.
Default value No adjustment software is specified.
Changes take effect Immediately.
Lockable No.

What can I do with this system value?

You can identify the software used to synchronize the system time with an external time source. The system value does not enforce the software specified; it only identifies the software to use. This value should be maintained by the time adjustment software and is intended as an aid to prevent having multiple time adjustment applications conflict with each other. The system does not perform checks to verify this value or to verify whether this software is performing time adjustments.

Time adjustment software should check this system value before starting. If this system value has an identifier for other time adjustment software, the software being started should notify the user of this potential conflict and confirm that it should be started. When no identifier is associated with this system value, the software should update this system value to identify that it is now responsible for adjusting the system clock. Time adjustment software should check this system value again before ending. This system value should be set to None (*NONE) only if the current value identifies this time adjustment software that is ending.

To work with the Time adjustment system value in System i Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > System Values > Date and Time > Configuration and Service. To work with the time adjustment function, expand Time Management > Time Adjustment.