International system values: Sort sequence

The Sort sequence system value is also known as QSRTSEQ. You can use this system value to specify the sort sequence used on the system.

Quick reference
Location From System i® Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > System Values > International > Sort Sequence.
Special authority None.
Default value Use hexadecimal values of characters.
Changes take effect Immediately, but does not affect jobs already started.
Lockable No.

What can I do with this system value?

You can specify the default sort sequence to use on the system. Sort sequence is the order in which characters are arranged within the computer to sort, combine, or compare data. The sort sequence tables sort characters more accurately in accordance with the cultural requirements of users. Regardless of the country or region or the single-byte coded character set language in use, you can sort lists that match a sequence consistent with your language and alphabet.

This system value has the following options:

Use hexadecimal values of characters (*HEX)
No sort sequence table is used. The hexadecimal values of the characters are used to determine the sort sequence.
Use shared weight sort table associated with language (*LANGIDSHR)
The sort sequence table used can contain the same weight for multiple characters. It is the shared weight sort table associated with the language specified on the Language/Characters page.
Use unique weight sort table associated with language (*LANGIDUNQ)
The sort sequence table used must contain a unique weight for each character in the code page. It is the unique weight sort table associated with the language specified on the Language/Characters page.
Use specific sort table
The specified name and library of the sort sequence table are used. The sort sequence table must exist in the system disk pool or in a basic user disk pool.