Restart system values: Type of restart

The Type of restart system value is also known as QIPLTYPE. You can use this system value to specify the type of restart for your system.

Quick reference
Location From System i® Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > System Values > Restart > General.
Special authority All object (*ALLOBJ) and security administrator (*SECADM).
Default value Unattended.
Changes take effect At the next restart of the system.
Lockable No.

What can I do with this system value?

You can specify how to handle the restart operation of your system. This system value has the following options:

Unattended (0)
No displays that require user interaction are shown during the restart operation. The normal sign-on display is shown when the restart is complete. If the system is in manual mode, the Unattended operating mode changes to the Attended operating mode with dedicated service tools.
Attended (1)
All dedicated service tools functions are available along with the full set of restart displays.
Attended, console in debug mode (2)
This option restarts the system and leaves the controller QCTL and device QCONSOLE varied on. Select this option only for problem analysis because it prevents other devices on the workstation controller from being used.