Restart system values: Previous restart type

The Previous restart type system value is also known as QIPLSTS. You can use this system value to view how the previous restart operation occurred.

Quick reference
Location: From System i® Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > System Values > Restart > Previous.
Default value No default value.
Changes take effect: This system value is read-only. You cannot change this system value.
Lockable No.

What can I do with this system value?

You can view which of the following types of restart occurred at the time of the last restart operation:

Operator panel restart (0)
The restart occurred when requested from the operator panel or from Dedicated Service Tools (DST) for a secondary partition.
Automatic restart after power restored (1)
The restart occurred automatically when power was restored after a power failure. You can specify this type of restart in the Restart options on the General page.
Restart (2)
The restart occurred when a user requested to power-down the system and restart it.
Time-of-day restart (3)
The restart occurred automatically on the date and time specified for Scheduled restart on the General page.
Remote restart (4)
A remote restart occurred. You can specify this type of restart in the Restart options on the General page.