Security system values: Allow these objects in

The Allow these objects in system value is also known as QALWUSRDMN. You can use this system value to specify where to allow user domain objects that bypass authority checking and cannot be audited.

Quick reference
Location From System i® Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > System Values > Security > User Domain Objects.
Special authority All object (*ALLOBJ) and security administrator (*SECADM).
Default value All libraries and directories.
Changes take effect Immediately.
Lockable Yes.
Lockable system value
(See Lock function of security-related system values for details.)

What can I do with this system value?

You can select where to allow user domain objects that cannot be audited. If your system has a high security requirement, you should allow only user domain objects of type *USRSPC, *USRIDX, and *USRQ in the QTEMP library. These objects are the user domain object types that are not auditable. At security level 50, the QTEMP library cannot be used to pass data between jobs. This system value has the following options:

All libraries and directories (*ALL)
This option allows objects that are not auditable in all libraries and directories. The system has multiple file systems. Libraries are part of the QSYS file system, and directories are part of a POSIX file system. Directories are referred to as being part of the root or QOpenSys file system.
QTEMP library and in the following
Specify where to allow objects that are not auditable, in addition to the QTEMP library. You can select one of the following options:
All directories (*DIR)
This option allows objects that are not auditable in all directories, in addition to the QTEMP library.
Selected libraries
Specify libraries in which to allow objects that are not auditable. This system value indicates specific libraries that can contain user domain versions of user objects. You can list up to 50 libraries. If you specify a list of library names, applications that currently work with user domain user objects might fail if they use objects in libraries not specified in the list.
Specify the name of the library that you want to add. You can type a library name or use Browse to locate a library.
Selected libraries
Specify the libraries that can contain objects that are not audited.
Note: To reduce a possible security exposure, create the library in the system disk pool, in a basic user disk pool, or in all the independent disk pools before adding the library to this system value. Also, give the library a public authority of *EXCLUDE.