Save and restore system values: Allow restore of security sensitive objects

The Allow restore of security sensitive objects system value is also known as QALWOBJRST. You can use this system value to specify the objects with security-sensitive attributes to be restored during the installation of software fixes.

Quick reference
Location From System i® Navigator, expand your system > Configuration and Service > System Values > Save and Restore > Objects.
Special authority All object (*ALLOBJ) and security administrator (*SECADM).
Default value All objects selected.
Changes take effect At the start of the next restore operation.
Lockable Yes.
Lockable system value
(See Lock function of security-related system values for details.)

What can I do with this system value?

You can select the following types of objects to be restored:

System state programs (*ALWSYSSTT)
Allow programs, service programs, and modules with the system-state or inherit-state attribute to be restored.
Programs that adopt their owner (*ALWPGMADP)
Allow programs, service programs, and modules that adopt their owner's authority to be restored.
Programs that have the S_ISUID (set-user-id) attribute enabled (*ALWSETUID)
Allow restore of files that have the S_ISUID (set-user-ID) attribute enabled.
Programs that have the S_ISGID (set-group-id) attribute enabled (*ALWSETGID)
Allow restore of files that have the S_ISGID (set-group-ID) attribute enabled.
Programs with validation errors (*ALWVLDERR)
Allow programs, service programs, and modules that have validation errors or that have been tampered with to be restored.
Allow restore of security-sensitive objects while installing software fixes (*ALWPTF)
Allow system-state or inherit-state programs, service programs, modules, objects that adopt authority, objects that have the S_ISUID (set-user-ID) attribute enabled, and objects that have the S_ISGID (set-group-ID) attribute enabled to be restored to the system during a PTF install.

This value must be selected before installing software fixes (PTFs).

The system checks this system value before restoring any object with security-sensitive attributes. These checks occur during the installation of program temporary fixes (PTFs) and restore of licensed programs. However, the system does not check this value during the installation of the operating system. This system value gives your system additional integrity protection. You can prevent anyone from restoring a system state object or an object that adopts authority.

The restore system values work together when restoring objects.