Size limitations when saving objects

This topic provides information about the size limitations when saving document library objects (DLOs).

When you perform a save operation, the system creates a list of the objects and their descriptions that it saves. The system saves this list with the objects for use when the system displays the save media or restores the objects. The system limits a single list of saved objects. Because the system creates multiple lists for each library that you save, the limits are rarely exceeded.

There are limits on the number of objects you can save from a single library. Because you normally store document library objects (DLOs) in libraries, this limit applies to the QDOC library in the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP) and the QDOCnnnn libraries in user ASPs.

If your save operation fails because you exceed any of these limits, you need to save objects using separate save commands instead of saving them with a single command.

The Save and restore limits topic shows the limits that apply to save and restore operations.