JDBC Librarylist property

The JDBC LibraryList property specifies one or more libraries that you want to add to or replace the library list of the server job, and optionally sets the default library (default SQL schema).

The examples in the following table make these assumptions:
  • A library called MYLIBDAW contains MYFILE_DAW
  • You are running this SQL statment:
Scenario SQL Naming System Naming

Basic Rules

Only one library is searched.

  • If a default SQL schema is specified on the URL, it is used. It becomes the default library.
  • If no default SQL schema is specified on the URL, the first library in the "libraries" property is used. It becomes the default library.
  • If no default SQL schema is specified on URL and if no "libraries" property is specified, the library with the same name as the signed-on user profile is used.

The job's library list is updated with the libraries in the libraries property. This may affect the behavior of some triggers and stored procedures. It does not affect unqualified names in statements.

The job's library list is updated with the libraries on the libraries property. If a default SQL schema is specified on the URL then that becomes the default library.

1. No default SQL schema specified on URL and "libraries" property is not specified

Default SQL schema is the user profile name.

No default SQL schema. Job's library list is searched.

2. Default SQL schema specified on URL and "libraries" property not specified

Default SQL schema is what is specified in the URL.

Default SQL schema is what is specified in the URL. Library list is not searched to resolve unqualified name in SQL statements.

3. Default SQL schema not specified on URL and "libraries" property is specified

Default SQL schema is first library specified in property.

No default SQL schema. All libraries specified in property are searched.

4. Default SQL schema specified on URL and "libraries" property specified

Default SQL schema is what is specified in the URL. Property is ignored.

Default SQL schema is what is specified in the URL. Library list is not searched to resolve unqualified name in SQL statements.

5. No default SQL schema specified on URL, the "libraries" property is specified and a library in the list is not valid

Default SQL schema is first library specified in property.

No default SQL schema. The library list can not be changed because one of the libraries in the list is not found so the job's library list is used.

6. No default SQL schema specified on URL, "libraries" property specified, file found in second library in list

Default SQL schema is first library specified in property, rest of libraries ignored.

If all libraries exist , then no default SQL schema, all libraries on list searched, list replaces job's library list.

If one of the libraries on the list does not exist, the job's library list is not changed.

7. No default SQL schema specified on URL, the "libraries" property is specified, list starts with a comma

Default SQL schema is user profile.

No default SQL schema, all libraries on list searched, list replaces job's library list.

8. No default SQL schema specified on URL, "libraries" property specified, list starts with a *LIBL

Default SQL schema is user profile.

No default SQL schema, all libraries on list searched, libraries specified added to end of list

9. No default SQL schema specified on URL, "libraries" property specified, list ends with a *LIBL

Default SQL schema is first library specified in property, rest of libraries ignored.

No default SQL schema, all libraries on list searched, libraries specified added to beginning of job's library list

10. Default SQL schema specified on URL not valid

No default SQL schema, user profile used.

No default SQL schema, job's library list is used

Note: When a default SQL schema is specified on the URL and the libraries property is not used, the default SQL schema is appended before the current library list