Load Program Temporary Fix (LODPTF)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Load Program Temporary Fix (LODPTF) command loads program temporary fixes (PTFs) for a specified product from a tape, optical device, or save file into the product PTF library. Each PTF contains one or more objects, including programs, that can be applied to a product by the Apply Program Temporary Fix (APYPTF) command.

Only the PTFs for a single product can be loaded at one time. Specific PTFs can be selected or omitted when loading PTFs for the specified product. PTFs that are currently applied are not loaded.




Keyword Description Choices Notes
LICPGM Product Character value Required, Positional 1
DEV Device Name, *SERVICE, *SAVF Optional
SELECT PTF numbers to select Single values: *ALL
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value
OMIT PTF numbers to omit Values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value Optional
SPRPTF Superseded PTFs *APYPERM, *NOAPY Optional
RLS Release Character value, *ONLY Optional
SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *SEARCH Optional
ENDOPT End of media option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional
PATHID Path identifier 1-9999, *FIRST, *SELECT Optional
SAVF Save file Qualified object name Optional
Qualifier 1: Save file Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
COVER Copy PTF cover letter *SRVATT, *YES, *NO, *ONLY Optional
CPYSAVF Copy PTF save file *SRVATT, *YES, *NO Optional

Product (LICPGM)

Specifies the 7-character identifier of the product for which the PTFs are loaded.

This is a required parameter.


Device (DEV)

Specifies the device from which the PTFs are loaded. The device name must be known on the system by a device description.

The PTFs that were sent from the service support system are loaded.
The PTFs are loaded from a save file. If *SAVF is specified, a value for the Save file (SAVF) parameter is required.
Specify the name of the tape or optical device that is used to load the PTFs.

PTF numbers to select (SELECT)

Specifies which of the PTFs for the specified product are loaded. The PTF numbers to omit (OMIT) parameter cannot be specified if single PTF numbers are specified for this parameter.

Note: Permanently removed PTFs are ignored when SELECT(*ALL) and DEV(*SERVICE) are specified. To load removed PTFs, specify the PTF number on this parameter.

Single values

All the PTFs for the specified product are loaded.

Other values (up to 50 repetitions)

Specify the PTF identification numbers of the single PTFs that are loaded.

PTF numbers to omit (OMIT)

Specifies that all PTFs except for those specified in this parameter are loaded. A maximum of 50 PTF numbers can be specified.

Note: The OMIT parameter cannot be specified if single PTF numbers are specified on the PTF numbers to select (SELECT) parameter.

Specify the PTF identification numbers of the single PTFs that are omitted (not loaded).

Superseded PTFs (SPRPTF)

Specifies the operation that is performed for temporarily applied PTFs that are being superseded by PTFs encountered by this load operation.

For the specified product, any PTFs that are temporarily applied, and are superseded by PTFs contained on the PTF media, are automatically permanently applied before loading the superseding PTFs. If the superseded PTFs have any prerequisite PTFs, they are also permanently applied by this operation.
The load operation stops when temporarily applied PTFs are being superseded by PTFs contained on the PTF medium. The temporarily applied PTFs that are being superseded must be permanently applied (APYPTF command) or removed (RMVPTF command) before the LODPTF command can be processed again.

Release (RLS)

Specifies the release level of the PTFs being loaded.

This value is valid only if only one release of the product's base option is installed on the system. PTFs for all installed options of the product will be loaded regardless of the release-level of the option.
Specify the release level in VxRyMz format where Vx is the version number, Ry is the release number, and Mz is the modification level. The variables x and y can be a number from 0 through 9, and the variable z can be a number from 0 through 9 or a letter from A through Z.

If the release-level specified is the release-level of the base option of the product, PTFs for all installed options of the product are loaded regardless of the release-level of the option.

If the release-level specified is not the release-level of the base option of the product, only PTFs for the options installed at that release-level are loaded.


Sequence number (SEQNBR)

Specifies the sequence number on the tape volume where the load operation begins to load the PTF data. This parameter is valid only if a tape device name is specified on the Device (DEV) parameter.

The tape volume is searched for the first PTF file for the specified product. The first PTF file found is loaded.
Specify the sequence number of the PTF file being loaded. This sequence number must exist on the tape.

End of media option (ENDOPT)

Specifies the operation that is automatically performed on the tape or optical volume after the PTF operation ends.

Note: This parameter is valid only if a tape or optical device name is specified on the DEV parameter. For optical devices, *UNLOAD is the only special value supported, *REWIND and *LEAVE will be ignored.

The tape is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended.
The tape does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the tape drive.
The tape is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Some optical devices will eject the volume after the operation ends.

Path identifier (PATHID)

Specifies the number that identifies a file on the optical media that contains the PTFs to be loaded. The PTF files for each product and release that exist on the optical media have a path identifier number to allow the files to be processed in a specific order. Only the PTFs from the specified path identifier are loaded on your system.

Note: This parameter is valid only if an optical device name is specified on the DEV parameter.

The optical media is searched for the first PTF file for the specified product and release, according to the search dependency specified on the SELECT parameter.
  • When a specific PTF identifier is specified on the SELECT parameter, the first occurrence of the specified PTF is loaded.
  • When *ALL is specified on the SELECT parameter, the existing PTF file with the lowest path identifier is loaded.
A list of the PTF files that exist on the optical media that match the product and release is shown. You can select the specific file from which PTFs are loaded. This value cannot be selected in a batch environment.
Specify the path identifier number of the existing PTF file from which to load the PTF data.

Save file (SAVF)

Specifies the save file from which the PTFs are loaded. This parameter is valid only if *SAVF is specified on the Device (DEV) parameter.

Qualifier 1: Save file

Specify the name of the save file from which the PTFs are loaded.

Qualifier 2: Library

All libraries in the library list for the current thread are searched until the first match is found.
The current library for the job is used to locate the save file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
Specify the name of the library where the save file is located.

Copy PTF cover letter (COVER)

Specifies whether to copy the cover letter for the PTF into a physical file. This parameter is valid only when a tape or optical device name is specified on the Device (DEV) parameter.

After the PTF is loaded, the cover letter is copied into a physical file.
The cover letter is not copied into a physical file.
The cover letter is copied into a physical file but PTF is not loaded. If the SEQNBR parameter is specified, it must contain the sequence number of the file that contains the PTF.
Use the Copy PTFs (CPYPTF) service attribute to determine if the cover letter for the PTF should be copied into a physical file. The Display Service Attributes (DSPSRVA) command displays information about how the system is set up. This includes whether PTF save files and cover letters will be copied into *SERVICE when PTFs are loaded. The Change Service Attributes (CHGSRVA) command can be used to change the CPYPTF service attribute.

Copy PTF save file (CPYSAVF)

Specifies whether to copy PTF save files into *SERVICE when PTFs are loaded. PTF save files must be in *SERVICE when distributing PTFs to other systems or when using the Save System Information (SAVSYSINF) command. This parameter is valid only when a tape or optical device name is specified on the Device (DEV) parameter.

Use the Copy PTFs (CPYPTF) service attribute to determine if PTF save files will be copied into *SERVICE when PTFs are loaded. The Display Service Attributes (DSPSRVA) command displays information about how the system is set up. This includes whether PTF save files and cover letters will be copied into *SERVICE when PTFs are loaded. The Change Service Attributes (CHGSRVA) command can be used to change the CPYPTF service attribute.
PTF save files that do not already exist are copied into *SERVICE when PTFs are loaded.
PTF save files are not copied into *SERVICE when PTFs are loaded.


Example 1: Omitting PTFs

LODPTF   LICPGM(5761SS1)  OMIT(SI00003 SI00008 SI00014)

This command loads all of the PTFs from the service support system (*SERVICE) for the product 5761SS1 except SI00003, SI00008, and SI00014. The Apply Program Temporary Fix (APYPTF) command can then be used to apply these PTFs to the 5761SS1 product.

Example 2: Selecting PTFs

LODPTF   LICPGM(5761SS1) DEV(OPT01)  SELECT(SI00009 SI00010)

This command loads the PTFs named SI00009 and SI00010 from the optical device named OPT01. The Apply Program Temporary Fix (APYPTF) command can then be used to apply these PTFs to the 5761SS1 product.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Licensed internal code PTF &2 already applied.
Licensed Internal Code fix &2 not applied.
Duplicate PTF &1 found.
Cannot allocate library &1.
Wrong copy of Licensed Internal Code in use.
Required hardware changes not installed for PTF &2.
Licensed Internal Code fix &2 not temporarily applied.
Licensed Internal Code fix &2 not permanently applied.
Language option &1 not installed for licensed program.
No PTFs to be loaded.
Error occurred while processing Licensed Internal Code fix.
Library required for PTF operation already exists.
PTF &1-&2 not applied.
LODPTF ended. No more storage available.
PTF &1-&2 &3 not valid.
Multiple releases of product &1 installed.
Interface error detected.
PTF &1-&2 not applied.
Error occurred during cover letter processing.
MPTFI for library &1 deleted and created.
Cannot specify *SELECT for the path identifier.
Cannot process PTF files on optical volume.
Device &1 not allowed.
No file selected.
Required PTF file cannot be processed.
Multiple releases for product &1 found on media.
No PTFs found in path identifier &1.
Cannot allocate &1 in &3 type *&2.
PTF &1-&2 damaged.
Release not valid.
List of PTFs not correct.
PTFs not loaded.
PTF &1-&2 &3 not loaded.
PTF function already in process.
Product &1 &2 not installed.
Apply order of PTFs cannot be determined.
Library &1 not found.
No PTFs loaded.
PTFs for release &1 found on device.
PTFs not loaded because error occurred.
Service function ended because error occurred.
PTF not loaded.
Required programs not found. PTF incomplete.
Records of PTF activity for licensed program are deleted.
No PTFs exist on save/restore media for licensed program &1 &2.
PTF &1-&2 &3 not found.
Product definition &4 in &9 damaged.
Product load object &4 in &9 damaged.