Lock granularity

A programmer working in a multiprocessor environment must decide how many separate locks must be created for shared data. If there is a single lock to serialize the entire set of shared data items, lock contention is comparatively likely. The existence of widely used locks places an upper limit on the throughput of the system.

If each distinct data item has its own lock, the probability of two threads contending for that lock is comparatively low. Each additional lock and unlock call costs processor time, however, and the existence of multiple locks makes a deadlock possible. At its simplest, deadlock is the situation shown in the following illustration, in which Thread 1 owns Lock A and is waiting for Lock B. Meanwhile, Thread 2 owns Lock B and is waiting for Lock A. Neither program will ever reach the unlock() call that would break the deadlock. The usual preventive for deadlock is to establish a protocol by which all of the programs that use a given set of locks must always acquire them in exactly the same sequence.

Figure 1. Deadlock. Shown in the following illustration is a deadlock in which a column named Thread 1 owns Lock A and is waiting for Lock B. Meanwhile, the column named Thread 2 owns Lock B and is waiting for Lock A. Neither program thread will ever reach the unlock call that would break the deadlock.

According to queuing theory, the less idle a resource, the longer the average wait to get it. The relationship is nonlinear; if the lock is doubled, the average wait time for that lock more than doubles.

The most effective way to reduce wait time for a lock is to reduce the size of what the lock is protecting. Here are some guidelines:

  • Reduce the frequency with which any lock is requested.
  • Lock just the code that accesses shared data, not all the code in a component (this will reduce lock holding time).
  • Lock only specific data items or structures and not entire routines.
  • Always associate locks with specific data items or structures, not with routines.
  • For large data structures, choose one lock for each element of the structure rather than one lock for the whole structure.
  • Never perform synchronous I/O or any other blocking activity while holding a lock.
  • If you have more than one access to the same data in your component, try to move them together so they can be covered by one lock-unlock action.
  • Avoid double wake-up. If you modify some data under a lock and have to notify someone that you have done it, release the lock before you post the wake-up.
  • If you must hold two locks simultaneously, request the busiest one last.

On the other hand, a too-fine granularity will increase the frequency of locks requests and locks releases, which therefore will add additional instructions. You must locate a balance between a too-fine and too-coarse granularity. The optimum granularity will have to be found by trial and error, and is one of the big challenges in an MP system. The following graph shows the relation between the throughput and the granularity of locks.

Figure 2. Relationship Between Throughput and Granularity. This illustration is a simple two axis chart. The vertical, or y axis, represents throughput. The horizontal, or x axis, represents granularity going from fine to coarse as it moves out on the scale. An elongated bell curve shows the relationship of granularity on throughput. As granularity goes from fine to coarse, throughput gradually increases to a maximum level and then slowly starts to decline. It shows that a compromise in granularity is necessary to reach maximum throughput.
Relationship Between Throughput and Granularity