Identifying the IBM Z hardware

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 LPAR mode

In installations with several IBM Z® mainframes, you might need to identify the particular hardware system on which a Linux® instance is running.

On Linux in LPAR mode, two attributes in /sys/firmware/ocf can help you to identify the hardware.
contains the name that is assigned to the central processor complex (CPC). This name identifies the mainframe system on a Hardware Management Console (HMC).
contains the name of the HMC network to which the mainframe system is connected.

The two attributes contain the empty string if the Linux instance runs as a guest of a hypervisor that does not support the operations command facility (OCF) communication parameters interface.

Use the cat command to read these attributes.

# cat /sys/firmware/ocf/cpc_name
# cat /sys/firmware/ocf/hmc_network