
フィールド・プロシージャー FP1 を列 C1 に追加します。 フィールド・プロシージャー FP1 には、フィールド・プロシージャーが操作の対象とする列のバイト数を示す 1 つのパラメーターがあります。


以下に示す 2 つのフィールド・プロシージャー・プログラムは、最初は ILE RPG で、次に C で、同じ操作を行います。 これらのプログラムは、フィールド・プロシージャー・プログラムで IBM i Cryptographic Services API を使用して、固定長文字、可変長文字、または文字 LOB データの暗号化と暗号化解除を行う方法を示しています。

プログラムは、フィールド・プロシージャー・プログラムができることの一部を示していますが、 あらゆるシチュエーションおよびエラーを処理しようとはしていません。以下の項目がどのように処理されているのかに注意してください。
  • デコードされたデータ・タイプからエンコードされたデータ・タイプへの変更
  • 固定長文字、可変長文字、および CLOB データに必要なアドレッシングの相違点
  • オプションのパラメーター構造の使用法 (sqlfpOptionalParameterValueDescriptor_T)

IBM i Cryptographic Services API について詳しくは、 Cryptographic Services API を参照してください。


ILE RPG で書かれたフィールド・プロシージャーの例

ILE RPG で書かれたフィールド・プロシージャーでは、以下の項目を考慮する必要があります。
  • パフォーマンスをよくするため、プログラムをコンパイルするときに ACTGRP(*CALLER) および STGMDL(*INHERIT) が推奨されます。この例では、 制御ステートメント中にこれらのキーワードがあります (H 仕様)。
  • 制御ステートメントに THREAD キーワードを指定する必要があります。 この例では、THREAD(*CONCURRENT) が指定されていますが、THREAD(*SERIALIZE) を使用することもできます。
       ctl-opt main(SampleFieldProcProgram);
       ctl-opt option(*srcstmt);
       ctl-opt stgmdl(*inherit);
       ctl-opt thread(*concurrent);
       /if defined(*crtbndrpg)
          ctl-opt actgrp(*caller);


       dcl-pr Qc3EncryptData extproc(*dclcase);
          clearData pointer value;
          clearDataLen int(10) const;
          clearDataFormat char(8) const;
          algorithmDesc likeds(QC3D0200);   // Qc3_Format_ALGD0200
          algorithmDescFormat char(8) const;
          keyDesc likeds(T_key_descriptor0200) const;
          keyDescFormat char(8) const;
          cryptoServiceProvider char(1) const;
          cryptoDeviceName char(10) const;
          encryptedData pointer value;
          lengthOfAreaForEncryptedData int(10) const;
          lengthOfEncryptedDataReturned int(10);
          errorCode likeds(QUSEC);

       dcl-pr Qc3DecryptData extproc(*dclcase);
          encryptedData pointer value;
          encryptedDataLen int(10) const;
          algorithmDesc likeds(QC3D0200);   // Qc3_Format_ALGD0200
          algorithmDescFormat char(8) const;
          keyDesc likeds(T_key_descriptor0200) const;
          keyDescFormat char(8) const;
          cryptoServiceProvider char(1) const;
          cryptoDeviceName char(10) const;
          clearData pointer value;
          lengthOfAreaForClearData int(10) const;
          lengthOfClearDataReturned int(10);
          errorCode likeds(QUSEC);

       // Constants from QSYSINC/H QC3CCI
       dcl-c Qc3_AES                      22;
       dcl-c Qc3_ECB                      '0';
       dcl-c Qc3_Pad_Char                 '1';
       dcl-c Qc3_Bin_String               '0';
       dcl-c Qc3_Key_Parms                'KEYD0200';
       dcl-c Qc3_Alg_Block_Cipher         'ALGD0200';
       dcl-c Qc3_Data                     'DATA0100';
       dcl-c Qc3_Any_CSP                  '0';

       // Constants from QSYSINC/H SQL
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_CLOB           408; // CLOB - varying length string
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_NCLOB          409; // (SQL_TYP_CLOB + 1 for NULL)

       dcl-c SQL_TYP_VARCHAR        448; // VARCHAR(i) - varying length string
                                         // (2 byte length)
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR       449; // (SQL_TYP_VARCHAR + 1 for NULL)
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_CHAR           452; // CHAR(i) - fixed length string
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_NCHAR          453; // (SQL_TYP_CHAR + 1 for NULL)
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_BLOB           404; // BLOB - varying length string
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_NBLOB          405; // (SQL_TYP_BLOB + 1 for NULL)

       // Other constants
       dcl-c KEY_MGMT_SIZE 16;
       dcl-c MAX_VARCHAR_SIZE 32767;
       dcl-c MAX_CLOB_SIZE 100000;

       dcl-ds T_key_descriptor0200 template qualified;
           desc likeds(QC3D020000);
           key char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);

       // T_DECODED_VARCHAR is the same as a VARCHAR field in RPG
       // but it is convenient to define it as a structure
       // for this purpose
       dcl-ds T_DECODED_VARCHAR qualified template;
          len int(5);
          data char(MAX_VARCHAR_SIZE);

       dcl-ds T_DECODED_CLOB qualified template;
          len int(10);
          data char(MAX_CLOB_SIZE);

       dcl-ds T_ENCODED_VARCHAR qualified template;
          len int(5);
          keyManagementData char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
          data char(MAX_VARCHAR_SIZE);

       dcl-ds T_ENCODED_CLOB qualified template;
          len int(10);
          keyManagementData char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
          data char(MAX_CLOB_SIZE);

       dcl-ds T_DECODED_DATA qualified template;
          varchar likeds(T_DECODED_VARCHAR) pos(1);
          clob likeds(T_DECODED_CLOB) pos(1);

       dcl-ds T_ENCODED_DATA qualified template;
          varchar likeds(T_ENCODED_VARCHAR) pos(1);
          clob likeds(T_ENCODED_CLOB) pos(1);

       dcl-ds T_optional qualified template;
          bytes uns(10);
          type_indicator char(1);

       // Main procedure
       dcl-proc SampleFieldProcProgram;

          dcl-pi *n EXTPGM('FP_EXV1RPG');
             FuncCode uns(5) const;
             OptionalParms likeds(T_optional);
             DecodedDataType likeds(SQLFPD); // sqlfpParameterDescription_T
             DecodedData likeds(T_DECODED_DATA);
             EncodedDataType likeds(SQLFPD); // sqlfpParameterDescription_T
             EncodedData likeds(T_ENCODED_DATA);
             SqlState char(5);
             Msgtext varchar(1000); // SQLFMT DS in QSYSINC/SQLFP is an RPG VARCHAR

          dcl-ds ErrCode likeds(QUSEC) inz;

          dcl-ds ALGD0200 likeds(QC3D0200) inz;
          dcl-ds T_key_descriptor0200 qualified inz;
             desc LIKEDS(QC3D020000);
             key char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
          dcl-ds KeyDesc0200 likeds(T_key_descriptor0200) inz;

          dcl-s DecryptedDataLen int(10);
          dcl-s DecryptedData char(MAX_CLOB_SIZE) based(Decrypted_Datap);
          dcl-s Decrypted_Datap pointer;

          dcl-s EncryptedDataLen int(10);
          dcl-s EncryptedData char(MAX_CLOB_SIZE) based(Encrypted_Datap);
          dcl-s Encrypted_Datap pointer;

          dcl-s RtnLen int(10);
          dcl-s KeyManagement char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE) based(KeyMgmtp);
          dcl-s KeyMgmtp pointer;

          ErrCode = *allx'00';
          ErrCode.QUSBPRV = %size(QUSEC); // Bytes_provided

          if FuncCode = 8; // create or alter time
             FieldCreatedOrAltered (%addr(OptionalParms)
                                  : DecodedDataType
                                  : EncodedDataType
                                  : SqlState
                                  : Msgtext);

          // Initialize the Algorithm Description Format
          ALGD0200 = *allx'00';
          ALGD0200.QC3BCA = Qc3_AES;        // set block cipher algorithm
          ALGD0200.QC3BL = 16;              // set block length
          ALGD0200.QC3MODE = Qc3_ECB;       // set mode
          ALGD0200.QC3PO = Qc3_Pad_Char;    // set pad option

          // Initialize the Key Description Format
          KeyDesc0200 = *allx'00';
          KeyDesc0200.desc.QC3KT = Qc3_AES;         // set key type
          KeyDesc0200.desc.QC3KSL = 16;             // set key string length
          KeyDesc0200.desc.QC3KF = Qc3_Bin_String;  // set key format

          if FuncCode = 0;   // encode

             // Get the actual length of the data depending on the type
             when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR
             or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR;
                DecryptedDataLen = DecodedData.varchar.len;
                Decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData.varchar.data);
             when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CLOB
             or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCLOB;
                DecryptedDataLen = DecodedData.Clob.len;
                Decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData.Clob.data);
             other;  // must be fixed Length
                 // for fixed length, only the data is passed, get the
                 // length of the data from the data type parameter
                DecryptedDataLen = DecodedDataType.SQLFBL; // byte length
                Decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData);

             // Determine if the encoded data type is varchar or CLOB based on
             // the optional parameter information that was saved at create time.
             if OptionalParms.type_indicator = '0'; // encoded data is varchar
                 Encrypted_Datap = %addr(EncodedData.Varchar.data);
                 KeyMgmtp = %addr(EncodedData.Varchar.keyManagementData);
             else; // encoded data is CLOB
                 Encrypted_Datap = %addr(EncodedData.Clob.data);
                 KeyMgmtp = %addr(EncodedData.Clob.keyManagementData);

             if DecryptedDataLen > 0; // have some data to encrypt.
                 // get the encrypt key
                 getKeyMgmt('E' : KeyManagement : KeyDesc0200.key);
                 // Set the number of bytes available for encrypting.  Subtracting
                 // off the bytes used for "key management".
                 EncryptedDataLen = EncodedDataType.SQLFBL - KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
                 // Encrypt the data
                              : DecryptedDataLen
                              : Qc3_Data
                              : ALGD0200
                              : Qc3_Alg_Block_Cipher
                              : KeyDesc0200
                              : Qc3_Key_Parms
                              : Qc3_Any_CSP
                              : ' '
                              : Encrypted_Datap
                              : EncryptedDataLen
                              : RtnLen
                              : ErrCode);
                 RtnLen += KEY_MGMT_SIZE;  // add in the Key Area size
             else; // length is 0
                 RtnLen = 0;
             // store the length (number of bytes that database needs to write)
             // in either the 2 or 4 byte length field based on the encrypted
             // data type
             if OptionalParms.type_indicator = '0';
                 EncodedData.Varchar.len = RtnLen;
                 EncodedData.Clob.len = RtnLen;
          elseif FuncCode = 4;   // decode
             // Determine if the encoded data type is varchar or CLOB based on the
             // optional parameter information that was saved at create time. Set
             // pointers to the key management data, the user encrypted data, and
             // the length of the data.
             if OptionalParms.type_indicator = '0'; // varchar
                 KeyMgmtp = %addr(EncodedData.Varchar.keyManagementData);
                 Encrypted_Datap = %addr(EncodedData.Varchar.data);
                 EncryptedDataLen = EncodedData.Varchar.len;
             else; // CLOB
                 KeyMgmtp = %addr(EncodedData.Clob.keyManagementData);
                 Encrypted_Datap = %addr(EncodedData.Clob.data);
                 EncryptedDataLen = EncodedData.Clob.len;
             // Set the number of bytes to decrypt.  Subtract
             // off the bytes used for "key management".
             EncryptedDataLen -= KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
             if EncryptedDataLen > 0;  // have data to decrypt
                 // Set the pointer to where the decrypted data should
                 // be placed.
                when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR
                or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR;
                   Decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData.varchar.data);
                when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CLOB
                or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCLOB;
                   decryptedDataLen = DecodedData.Clob.len;
                   decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData.Clob.data);
                other;  // must be fixed Length
                   decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData);

                // get the decrypt key
                getKeyMgmt('D' : KeyManagement : KeyDesc0200.key);
                // get the maximum number of bytes available for the
                // decode space
                DecryptedDataLen = DecodedDataType.SQLFBL;
                // decrtype the data
                             : EncryptedDataLen
                             : ALGD0200
                             : Qc3_Alg_Block_Cipher
                             : KeyDesc0200
                             : Qc3_Key_Parms
                             : Qc3_Any_CSP
                             : ' '
                             : Decrypted_Datap
                             : DecryptedDataLen
                             : RtnLen
                             : ErrCode);
             else;     // 0 length data
                 RtnLen = 0;
             // tell the database manager how many characters of data are being returned
             when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR
             or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR;
                DecodedData.varchar.len = RtnLen;
             when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CLOB
             or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCLOB;
                DecodedData.clob.len = RtnLen;
                // must be fixed Length and the full number of characters must be
                // returned
         else; // unsupported option -- error
             SqlState = '38003';

         if ErrCode.QUSBAVL > 0; // Something failed on encrypt/decrypt
              // set an error and return the exception id
            SqlState = '38004';
            msgtext = ErrCode.QUSEI; // Exception_Id

       end-proc SampleFieldProcProgram;

       // procedure FieldCreatedOrAltered
       dcl-proc FieldCreatedOrAltered;
          dcl-pi *n extproc(*dclcase);
             OptionalParms_p pointer value;
             DecodedDataType likeds(SQLFPD); // sqlfpParameterDescription_T
             EncodedDataType likeds(SQLFPD); // sqlfpParameterDescription_T
             SqlState char(5);
             Msgtext varchar(1000);

          // Note that while optional parameters are not supported on input into
          // this fieldproc, it will set information into the structure for
          // usage by encode/decode operations. The length of this
          // structure must be at least 8 bytes long, so the length is not
          // reset.

          // The optional parameter as it is passed in to this program
          dcl-ds inputOptionalParms likeds(SQLFFPPL) // sqlfpFieldProcedureParameterList_T

          // The optional parameter as it is modified by this program
          // to later be passed for Encrypt and Decrypt
          dcl-ds outputOptionalParms likeds(T_optional)

          dcl-c errortext1 'Unsupported type in fieldproc.';

          if inputOptionalParms.SQLFNOOP <> 0; // sqlfpNumberOfOptionalParms
             // this fieldproc does not handle optional parameters
             SqlState = '38001';

          when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CHAR    // Fixed char
          or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCHAR;
             // set the encode data type to VarChar
             EncodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR;
             // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
             // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
             // Indicate that the encode type is varchar.
             outputOptionalParms.type_indicator = '0';
          when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR // Varying char
          or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR;
             // set the data type to BLOB */
             EncodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR;
             // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
             // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
             // Indicate that the encode type is varchar.
             outputOptionalParms.type_indicator = '0';
          when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CLOB   // CLOB
          or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCLOB;
             // set the data type to BLOB */
             EncodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_BLOB;
             // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
             // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
             // Indicate that the encode type is CLOB.
             outputOptionalParms.type_indicator = '1';
             // this field proc does not handle any other data types
             SqlState = '38002';
             msgtext = errortext1;

          // finish setting the rest of encoded data type values

          // the null-ness of the encoded and decoded type must match
          if %bitand(DecodedDataType.SQLFST : x'01') = 1;
             EncodedDataType.SQLFST = %bitor(EncodedDataType.SQLFST : x'01'); // set to null capable

          // Determine the result length by adding one byte for the pad character counter and
          // rounding the length up to a multiple of 15-- the AES encryption alogrithm
          // will return the encrypted data in a multiple of 15.
          // This example also shows how additional data can be stored by the fieldproc
          // program in the encrypted data.  An additional 16 bytes are added for use by
          // the fieldproc program.
          // Note that this fieldproc does not check for exceeding the maximum length for
          // the data type.   There may also be other conditions that are not handled by
          // this sample fieldproc program.
          EncodedDataType.SQLFL =
             (%div(DecodedDataType.SQLFL + 16 : 16) * 16) + KEY_MGMT_SIZE; // characters
          EncodedDataType.SQLFBL = EncodedDataType.SQLFL; // Byte
          // result is *HEX CCSID
          EncodedDataType.SQLFC = 65535;

          if DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CHAR
          or DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCHAR; // fixed length character
             // need to set the allocated length for fixed length since the default value
             // must fit in the allocated portion of varchar.  Note that if the varchar or
             // CLOB had a default value of something other than the empty string, the
             // allocated length must be set appropriately but this fieldproc does not
             // handle this situtation.
             EncodedDataType.SQLFAL = EncodedDataType.SQLFL;
       end-proc FieldCreatedOrAltered;

       // procedure getKeyMgmt
       dcl-proc getKeyMgmt;

          dcl-pi *n extproc(*dclcase);
             type char(1) const;
             keyMgmt char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
             keyData char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);

          // This is a trivial key management idea and is used to demonstrate how additional
          // information may be stored in the encoded data which is written to the table and
          // be used to communicate between the encode and decode operations.
          if type = 'E';   // encoding, set the current key
              keyMgmt = 'KEYTYPE2';
              keyData = '0123456789ABCDEG'; // end in G
          elseif keyMgmt = 'KEYTYPE1';  // decoding, determine which key to use
              keyData = '0123456789ABCDEF'; // end in F
          elseif keyMgmt = 'KEYTYPE2';
              keyData = '0123456789ABCDEG'; // end in G

       end-proc getKeyMgmt;

C で書かれたフィールド・プロシージャーの例

C で書かれたフィールド・プロシージャーのパフォーマンスをよくするため、 プログラムをコンパイルするときに、ACTGRP(*CALLER)、TERASPACE(*YES)、および STGMDL(*INHERIT) が推奨されます。

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <QC3CCI.H>
#include <QUSEC.H>
#include <QC3DTAEN.H>
#include <QC3DTADE.H>
#include <SQL.h>
#include <SQLFP.h>

#define KEY_MGMT_SIZE 16
typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned short int len;
    char data[];

typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned long len;
    char data[];

typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned short int len;
    char keyManagementData[KEY_MGMT_SIZE];
    char data[];

typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned long len;
    char keyManagementData[KEY_MGMT_SIZE];
    char data[];

typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned long bytes;
    char type_indicator;
    char not_used[3];

typedef struct KeyDescriptor0200
    Qc3_Format_KEYD0200_T desc;
    char key[KEY_MGMT_SIZE];
} T_key_descriptor0200;

static void fieldCreatedOrAltered(void *argv[]);
static void KeyMgmt(char type, char *keyMgmt, char *keyData);

main(int argc, void *argv[])
    short *funccode = argv[1];
    T_optional *optionalParms = argv[2];
    char *sqlstate = argv[7];
    sqlfpMessageText_T *msgtext = argv[8];
    sqlfpOptionalParameterValueDescriptor_T *optionalParmPtr;
    T_VARCHAR *VarCharStrp;
    T_CLOB *ClobStrp;
    T_ENCODED_VARCHAR *VarCharEncodedStrp;
    T_ENCODED_CLOB *ClobEncodedStrp;
    char *Encrypted_Datap;
    char *Decrypted_Datap;
    int EncryptedDataLen;
    int DecryptedDataLen;
    int RtnLen;
    char *keyMgmtp;
    char Qc3_Any_CSP_Flag = Qc3_Any_CSP;
    Qc3_Format_ALGD0200_T *ALGD0200;
    T_key_descriptor0200 *KeyDesc0200;
    Qus_EC_t ERRCODE;

    memset(&ERRCODE, '\x00', sizeof(Qus_EC_t));
    ERRCODE.Bytes_Provided = sizeof(Qus_EC_t);

    if (*funccode == 8) // create time

    // allocate space and initialize space for Algorithm Description Format
    ALGD0200 = (Qc3_Format_ALGD0200_T *)malloc(sizeof(Qc3_Format_ALGD0200_T));
    memset(ALGD0200, '\x00', sizeof(Qc3_Format_ALGD0200_T));
    ALGD0200->Block_Cipher_Alg = Qc3_AES;
    ALGD0200->Block_Length = 16;
    ALGD0200->Mode = Qc3_ECB;
    ALGD0200->Pad_Option = Qc3_Pad_Char;

    // allocate space and initialize space for Key Description Format
    KeyDesc0200 =
      (T_key_descriptor0200 *)malloc(sizeof(T_key_descriptor0200));
    memset(KeyDesc0200, '\x00', sizeof(T_key_descriptor0200));
    KeyDesc0200->desc.Key_Type = Qc3_AES ;
    KeyDesc0200->desc.Key_String_Len = 16;
    KeyDesc0200->desc.Key_Format = Qc3_Bin_String;

    sqlfpParameterDescription_T *decodedDataType = argv[3];
    sqlfpParameterDescription_T *encodedDataType = argv[5];

    if (*funccode == 0) // encode
        // Address the data and get the actual length of the data.
            case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
            case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
               // varchar data is passed with a 2 byte length followed
               // by the data
               VarCharStrp = argv[4];
               DecryptedDataLen = VarCharStrp->len;
               Decrypted_Datap = VarCharStrp->data;
            case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
            case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
               // CLOB data is passed with a 4 byte length followed
               // by the data
               ClobStrp = argv[4];
               DecryptedDataLen = ClobStrp->len;
               Decrypted_Datap = ClobStrp->data;
            default:// must be fixed Length
               // for fixed length, only the data is passed, get the
               // length of the data from the data type parameter
               DecryptedDataLen = decodedDataType->sqlfpByteLength;
               Decrypted_Datap = argv[4];
        // Determine if the encoded data type is varchar or CLOB based on
        // the optional parameter information that was saved at create time.
        if (optionalParms->type_indicator == '0') // encoded data is varchar
            VarCharEncodedStrp = argv[6];
            Encrypted_Datap = VarCharEncodedStrp->data;
            keyMgmtp = VarCharEncodedStrp->keyManagementData;
        else // encoded data is CLOB
            ClobEncodedStrp = argv[6];
            Encrypted_Datap = ClobEncodedStrp->data;
            keyMgmtp = ClobEncodedStrp->keyManagementData;
        if (DecryptedDataLen >0) // have some data to encrypt.
            // get the encrypt key
            KeyMgmt('E', keyMgmtp, KeyDesc0200->key);
            // Set the number of bytes available for encrypting.  Subtracting
            // off the bytes used for "key management".
            EncryptedDataLen = encodedDataType->sqlfpByteLength - KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
            // Encrypt the data
                 (char *)ALGD0200,
                 (char *)KeyDesc0200,
                 "          ",
            RtnLen += KEY_MGMT_SIZE;  // add in the Key Area size
        else // length is 0
            RtnLen = 0;
        // store the length (number of bytes that database needs to write)
        // in either the 2 or 4 byte length field based on the encrypted
        // data type
        if (optionalParms->type_indicator == '0')
            VarCharEncodedStrp->len = RtnLen;
            ClobEncodedStrp->len = RtnLen;
    else if (*funccode == 4) // decode
        // Determine if the encoded data type is varchar or CLOB based on the
        // optional parameter information that was saved at create time. Set
        // pointers to the key management data, the user encrypted data, and
        // the length of the data.
        if (optionalParms->type_indicator == '0') // varchar
            VarCharEncodedStrp = argv[6];
            keyMgmtp = VarCharEncodedStrp->keyManagementData;
            Encrypted_Datap = VarCharEncodedStrp->data;
            EncryptedDataLen = VarCharEncodedStrp->len;
        else // CLOB
            ClobEncodedStrp = argv[6];
            keyMgmtp = ClobEncodedStrp->keyManagementData;
            Encrypted_Datap = ClobEncodedStrp->data;
            EncryptedDataLen = ClobEncodedStrp->len;
        // Set the number of bytes to decrypt.  Subtract
        // off the bytes used for "key management".
        EncryptedDataLen -= KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
        if (EncryptedDataLen > 0)  // have data to decrypt
            // Set the pointer to where the decrypted data should
            // be placed.
            switch (decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType)
               case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
               case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
                   VarCharStrp = argv[4];
                   Decrypted_Datap = VarCharStrp->data;
               case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
               case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
                   ClobStrp = argv[4];
                   Decrypted_Datap = ClobStrp->data;
               default:  // must be fixed Length
                   Decrypted_Datap = argv[4];
            // get the decrypt key
            KeyMgmt('D', keyMgmtp, KeyDesc0200->key);
            // get the maximum number of bytes available for the
            // decode space
            DecryptedDataLen = decodedDataType->sqlfpByteLength;
            // decrtype the data
                 (char *)ALGD0200,
                 (char *)KeyDesc0200,
                 "          ",
        else      // 0 length data
            RtnLen = 0;

        // tell the database manager how many characters of data are being returned
        switch (decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType)
           case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
           case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
               VarCharStrp->len = RtnLen;
           case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
           case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
               ClobStrp->len = RtnLen;
               // must be fixed Length and the full number of characters must be
               // returned
    else  // unsupported option -- error
        memcpy(sqlstate, "38003",5);

    if (ERRCODE.Bytes_Available > 0) // Something failed on encrypt/decrypt
         // set an error and return the exception id
         memcpy(sqlstate, "38004",5);
         msgtext->sqlfpMessageTextLength = 7;
         memcpy(msgtext->sqlfpMessageTextData, ERRCODE.Exception_Id, 7);
    // free allocated storage

static void fieldCreatedOrAltered(void *argv[])
    char *sqlstate = argv[7];
    sqlfpMessageText_T *msgtext = argv[8];
    char *errortext1="Unsupported type in fieldproc.";

    // Note that while optional parameters are not supported on input into
    // this fieldproc, it will set information into the structure for 
    // usage by encode/decode operations. The length of this 
    // structure must be at least 8 bytes long, so the length is not
    // reset.     	
    sqlfpFieldProcedureParameterList_T *inputOptionalParms = argv[2];
    T_optional *outputOptionalParms = argv[2];

    sqlfpParameterDescription_T *decodedDataType = argv[3];
    sqlfpParameterDescription_T *encodedDataType = argv[5];

    if (inputOptionalParms->sqlfpNumberOfOptionalParms != 0)
        // this fieldproc does not handle input optional parameters
      case SQL_TYP_CHAR: /* Fixed char */
      case SQL_TYP_NCHAR:
          // set the encode data type to VarChar
          encodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR;
          // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
          // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
          // Indicate that the encode type is varchar.
          outputOptionalParms->type_indicator = '0';
      case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
      case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
          /* set the data type to BLOB */
          encodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR;
          // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
          // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
          // Indicate that the encode type is varchar.
          outputOptionalParms->type_indicator = '0';

      case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
      case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
          /* set the data type to BLOB */
          encodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType = SQL_TYP_BLOB;
          // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
          // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
          // Indicate that the encode type is BLOB.
          outputOptionalParms->type_indicator = '1';
          /* this field proc does not handle any other data types */
            errortext1, sizeof(errortext1));

    // finish setting the rest of encoded data type values

    // the null-ness of the encoded and decoded type must match
    if (decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType % 2 == 1)
        ++encodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType; // set to null capable

    // Determine the result length by adding one byte for the pad character counter and
    // rounding the length up to a multiple of 15-- the AES encryption alogrithm
    // will return the encrypted data in a multiple of 15.
    // This example also shows how additional data can be stored by the fieldproc
    // program in the encrypted data.  An additional 16 bytes are added for use by
    // the fieldproc program.
    // Note that this fieldproc does not check for exceeding the maximum length for
    // the data type.   There may also be other conditions that are not handled by
    // this sample fieldproc program.
    encodedDataType->sqlfpLength =
      (((decodedDataType->sqlfpLength + 16) /16) * 16) + KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
    encodedDataType->sqlfpByteLength =  encodedDataType->sqlfpLength;
    // result is *HEX CCSID
    encodedDataType->sqlfpCcsid = 65535;

    if (decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType == SQL_TYP_CHAR ||
        decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType == SQL_TYP_NCHAR) // fixed length character
        // need to set the allocated length for fixed length since the default value
        // must fit in the allocated portion of varchar.  Note that if the varchar or
        // CLOB had a default value of something other than the empty string, the
        // allocated length must be set appropriately but this fieldproc does not
        // handle this situtation.
        encodedDataType->sqlfpAllocatedLength = encodedDataType->sqlfpLength;

// This is a trivial key management idea and is used to demonstrate how additional
// information may be stored in the encoded data which is written to the table and
// be used to communicate between the encode and decode operations.
static void KeyMgmt(char type, char *keyMgmt, char *keyData)
    if (type == 'E')   // encoding, set the current key
        memcpy((char *)keyMgmt, "KEYTYPE2        ", KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
        memcpy(keyData, "0123456789ABCDEG", 16);
    else     // decoding, determine which key to use
    if (memcmp(keyMgmt, "KEYTYPE1        ", KEY_MGMT_SIZE) == 0)
        memcpy(keyData, "0123456789ABCDEF", 16);
    if (memcmp(keyMgmt, "KEYTYPE2        ", KEY_MGMT_SIZE) == 0)
        memcpy(keyData, "0123456789ABCDEG", 16);