Subsystem request specification - Key = '0075'

DALUASSR requests that a subsystem data set be allocated and, optionally, specifies the name of the subsystem for which the data set is to be allocated.

This request is similar to the DALSSREQ request, but can be used by unauthorized callers.

When you code DALUASSR without specifying a subsystem name, # must be zero and LEN and PARM are not specified. The data set is then allocated to the primary subsystem.

When you code the subsystem name in the DALUASSR key, # must be one, LEN is the length of the subsystem name, up to a maximum of 4, and PARM contains the subsystem name.

Example 1: To request a subsystem data set for the primary subsystem, code:
KEY   #     LEN      PARM
0075  0000  -        -
Example 2: To request a subsystem data set for JES2, code:
KEY   #     LEN      PARM
0075  0001  0004     D1 C5 E2 F2