Environment of the SRB routine at entry

At entry, an SRB routine is in supervisor state, primary ASC mode, enabled and unlocked unless you specified LLOCK=YES, in which case the local lock is held. The general purpose registers contain the following:
SRB address if SCHEDULE macro is used; zero if IEAMSCHD is used.
Start of changeIf the IEAMSCHD macro is used, the value provided by the PARM parameter; or if SCHEDULE is used, the SRBPARM field of the SRB.End of change
Start of changeIf the IEAMSCHD macro is used with FRRADDR=YES, or if SCHEDULE is used with FRR=YES, the 24-bit address of the FRR parameter area; otherwise, not part of the intended programming interface.End of change
Return address.
Entry point address.

Other general purpose registers and all access registers are used as work areas by the system.