z/OS FBA devices

In order to use z/OS FBA devices, the following must occur:
  • The zDDB licensed feature must be installed on the storage controller where z/OS FBA devices will be used.
  • z/OS FBA devices must be defined for the active configuration.
  • z/OS FBA devices must be online.

z/OS FBA devices are implemented as a new device or control unit type in the Unit Record (UR) class of devices. To configure these devices in HCD, first create a new control unit with TYPE = 2107-FBA. Once the control unit is properly defined, create new devices of TYPE=FBA attached to this control unit. Given that these devices are defined as Unit Record devices, they cannot be shared among users on a single system.

z/OS FBA devices can be designated as “online at IPL” (the default) or can be explicitly varied online using the VARY device command. Devices must be online before being used by z/OS FBA services.

z/OS FBA devices may be used by various software products. You should consult with software product documentation to understand requirements for z/OS FBA devices.

Note that Unit Control Blocks (UCBs) for z/OS FBA devices have UCBTBYT3=UCB3UREC and UCBTBYT4 = X’60’.

z/OS FBA devices should only be shared by systems within a single sysplex. The IOSFBA service uses systems ENQs to serialize the allocation process. Sharing z/OS FBA devices with systems in different sysplexes may cause allocation issues.