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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versioni 8.5 e 8.5.1

Error function

Returns an error message for either a specified error number or the current error.


Error[$] [ ( errNumber ) ]



A numeric expression whose value is an error number. If no errNumber is specified, LotusScript returns the message for the current (most recent) error.

Return value

Error returns a Variant, and Error$ returns a String. If no errNumber is specified, and there is no current error, the function returns the empty string ("").

You can call the Error function with no arguments as either Error or Error( ). You can call the Error$ function with no arguments as either Error$ or Error$( ).

Language cross-reference

@Error function in formula language

@IsError function in formula language

See examples

Examples: Error function
Vedere anche
LotusScript Language Reference: E through H
Erl function
Err function
Err statement
Error statement
On Error statement
Erl Function
Err Function
Err Statement
Error Statement
On Error Statement

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Ultimo aggiornamento: Venerdì 5 Ottobre 2009