Logo del software Lotus
IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versioni 8.5 e 8.5.1


Immediately stops the execution of a formula and returns the specified value. This is useful when you only want the remainder of the formula to be executed only if certain conditions are True.


@Return( value )



The value you want returned. You can specify another @function such as @Error, or a text string such as "Formula stopped," or a Boolean value (True or False). If you don't want anything returned, use the null string ("").

Return value


Returns value.


@Return is most useful in field formulas, agents that run formulas, and toolbar buttons. Generally, you use it with @If to determine whether to perform @Return or to perform one or more other statements.

@Return should not be used in column formulas.

Language cross-reference

End statement of LotusScript language

Exit statement of LotusScript language

See examples

Examples: @Return
Vedere anche
Run-time errors

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Ultimo aggiornamento: Venerdì 5 Ottobre 2009