%LEN Used to Get the Maximum Length of Varying-Length Expressions

When the second parameter of %LEN is *MAX, this function returns the maximum number of characters for a varying-length expression. When the first parameter of %LEN is a field name, this value is the same as the defined length of the field. For example, if a variable-length UCS-2 field is defined as 25C, %LEN(fld:*MAX) returns 25.

Figure 1. %LEN with *MAX Example
D char_varying    s            100a   varying
D ucs2_varying    s           5000c   varying
D graph_varying   s           7000g   varying(4)
D graph_fld10     s             10g
D char_fld10      s             10a
     // Calculate several length and size values
     // - The maximum length, %LEN(*MAX), measured in characters
     // - The current length, %LEN, measured in characters
     // - The size, %SIZE, measured in bytes, including the
     //   2- or 4-byte length prefix

     // Each alphanumeric character has one byte
     char_varying = 'abc';
     // Length is 3
     max_len = %len(char_varying : *MAX);
     len = %len(char_varying);
     size = %size(char_varying);
     // max_len = 100
     // len     = 3
     // size    = 102    (100 + 2)

     // Each UCS-2 character has two bytes
     ucs2_varying = 'abc';
     // Length is 3
     max_len = %len(ucs2_varying : *MAX);
     len = %len(ucs2_varying);
     size = %size(ucs2_varying);
     // max_len = 5000
     // len     = 3
     // size    = 10002    (5000 * 2 + 2)

     // Each graphic character has two bytes.
     // For field graph_varying, VARYING(4) was specified,
     // so the length prefix has four bytes
     graph_varying = graph_fld10;
     // Length is 10
     max_len = %len(graph_varying : *MAX);
     len = %len(graph_varying);
     size = %size(graph_varying);
     // max_len = 7000
     // len     = 10
     // size    = 14004    (7000 * 2 + 4)

     // Calculate %LEN(*MAX) of a concatenation
     graph_varying = %subst(graph_fld10:1:5);
     // Length is 5
     max_len = %len(graph_varying + graph_fld10 : *MAX);
     len = %len(graph_varying + graph_fld10);
     // max_len = 7010 (7000 + 10)
     // len     = 15   (5 + 10)

     // Calculate %LEN(*MAX) of a %TRIM expression
     char_fld10 = '1234';
     // Trimmed length is 4
     max_len = %len(%trim(char_fld10) : *MAX);
     len = %len(%trim(char_fld10));
     // max_len = 10 (maximum trimmed length)
     // len = 4      (actual trimmed length)