%OCCUR (Set/Get Occurrence of a Data Structure)


%OCCUR gets or sets the current position of a multiple-occurrence data structure.

When this function is evaluated for its value, it returns the current occurrence number of the specified data structure. This is an unsigned numeric value.

When this function is specified on the left-hand side of an EVAL statement, the specified number becomes the current occurrence number. This must be a non-float numeric value with zero decimal places. Exception 00122 is issued if the value is less than 1 or greater than the total number of occurrences.

For more information about multiple-occurrence data structures and the OCCUR operation code, see OCCUR (Set/Get Occurrence of a Data Structure).

Figure 1. %OCCUR Example
D mds             DS                  OCCURS(10)

   n = %OCCUR(mds);
   // n = 1

   %OCCUR(mds) = 7;

   n = %OCCUR(mds);
   // n = 7