Bit Permute (BITPERM)

Instruction Syntax

Bound Program Access
Built-in number for BITPERM is 710.
BITPERM (                                                                       
           selector : unsigned binary(8)                                           
           source   : unsigned binary(8)                                           
) : unsigned binary(8) /* result */                                                


An eight byte result is created by placing zeros in the high-order (i.e. leftmost) 56 bits of result and eight permuted bits from the source operand in the remaining rightmost eight bits of result.

The values of the permuted bits are selected by the eight bytes of the selector operand. If the ith byte of the selector operand has a value less than 64, then it specifies the bit of the source operand that becomes the ith permuted bit; otherwise, the ith permuted bit is set to zero.

In the above description, i takes on values from 0 to 7, inclusive, where 0 represents the leftmost byte (or bit) and 7 the rightmost.

Authorization Required

  • None

Lock Enforcement

  • None


  • None