File Operations

These operations are available in both the traditional syntax and free-form syntax.

Most file operations can be used with both program described and externally described files.

When an externally described file is used with certain file operations, a record format name, rather than a file name, can be specified in factor 2. Thus, the processing operation code retrieves and/or positions the file at a record format of the specified type according to the rules of the calculation operation code used.

When the OVRDBF (override with data base file) command is used with the MBR (*ALL) parameter specified, the SETLL, SETGT and CHAIN operations only process the current open file member. For more information, refer to the see the IBM® i Information Center database and file systems category.

The CHAIN, READ, READC, READE, READP, and READPE operations may have a result data structure. For these operations, data is transferred directly between the file and the data structure, without processing the input specifications for the file. Thus, no record identifying or field indicators are set on as a result of an input operation to a data structure. If all input operations to the file have a result data structure, input specifications are not required.

The WRITE and UPDATE operations that specify a program described file name in factor 2 must have a data structure name specified in the result field. WRITE and UPDATE operations to an externally described record may have a result data structure. For these operations, data is transferred directly between data structure and the file, without processing the output specifications for the file. If all output operations to the file have a result data structure, output specifications are not required.

A data structure name is allowed as the result of an I/O operation to an externally described file name or record name as follows:
  1. When a record name is specified on an I/O operation, the origin of the data structure must match the record. That is, the data structure must be defined using LIKEREC(rec) or EXTNAME(file:rec) where rec is the format name specified on the operation.
    • For input operations, the result data structure (or base structure for the LIKEDS data structure) must be defined using *INPUT or *ALL. If the data structure is defined with the LIKEREC keyword, it is not necessary to explicitly specify the type.
    • For WRITE operations to a PRINTER, SEQ, SPECIAL, or WORKSTN file, the result data structure must be defined using *OUTPUT or *ALL.
    • For WRITE to a DISK file, the file may be defined using *OUTPUT or *ALL. If the layout of the output buffer is identical to the layout of the input buffer, and the data structure is defined with the LIKEREC keyword where the type is not specified, the data structure may be used for a WRITE operation.
    • For UPDATE to a subfile record of a WORKSTN file, the result data structure may be defined using *OUTPUT or *ALL.
    • For UPDATE to a DISK file, the result data structure may be defined using *INPUT, *OUTPUT or *ALL. If the data structure is defined with the LIKEREC keyword, it is not necessary to explicitly specify the type.
  2. A result data structure may be specified for an I/O operation to an externally described file name, in addition to a record name, for opcodes CHAIN, READ, READE, READP, and READPE. When the name of an externally described file is specified, the data structure must contain one subfield data structure for each record with input-capable fields, where the allowed subfield data structures are defined as in rule 1. Each subfield data structure must start in position 1. (Normally the overlaying subfields will be defined using keyword POS(1) or OVERLAY(ds:1).) In the special case where the file contains only one record, the result data structure may be defined as in rule 1.
  3. The result data structure can also be defined using LIKEDS(ds), where ds is a data structure following these rules.
  4. In the following cases, when the data structure is not defined with *ALL as the second parameter, data is transferred between the result data structure and the input or output buffer as a whole, rather than individual subfields being transferred separately.
    • when DATA(*NOCVT) is in effect for the file, and the data structure is defined with CCSID(*EXACT)
    • when DATA(*CVT) is in effect for the file, and the data structure is not defined with CCSID(*EXACT)
    • when the DATA keyword is not in effect for the file and the CCSID keyword is not specfied for the data structure

    Otherwise, alphanumeric and graphic subfields may require CCSID conversion when the data is transferred between the result data structure and the input or output buffer.

    In all cases, data for subfields of types other than alphanumeric or graphic is transferred directly between the input or output buffer and the result data structure without regard for the data type.


If an input operation (CHAIN, EXFMT, READ, READC, READE, READP, READPE) does not retrieve a record because no record was found, because an error occurred in the operation, or because the last record was already retrieved (end of file), then no data is extracted and all fields in the program remain unchanged.

If you specify N as the operation extender of a CHAIN, READ, READE, READP, or READPE operation for an update disk file, a record is read without locking. If no operation extender is specified, the record is locked if the file is an update disk file.

Exception/errors that occur during file operations can be handled by the programmer (by coding an error indicator or specifying a file-error subroutine), or by the RPG IV error handler.
Note: Input and output operations in subprocedures involving input and output specifications always use the global name, even if there is a local variable of the same name. For example, if the field name TOTALS is defined in the main source section, as well as in a subprocedure, any input or output operation in the subprocedure will use the field as defined in the main source section.
See Database Null Value Support for information on handling files with null-capable fields.

You can pass a file as a parameter to a prototyped program or procedure. When you pass a file as a parameter, then any settings for the file that are defined using File specification keywords are in effect for all procedures that access the file. For example, if the EXTFILE keyword is specified with a variable parameter, and a called procedure opens the file, then the value of the caller's variable will be used to set the name of the file to be opened. If the called procedure needs to change or access those variables associated with the file through keywords, the calling procedure must pass the variables as a parameter.

The file-feedback built-in functions %EOF(filename), %EQUAL(filename), %FOUND(filename), %OPEN(filename), and %STATUS(filename) can be used in the called procedure program or to determine the current state of the file by specifying the name of the file parameter as the operand to the built-in function.

For more information on file parameters, see LIKEFILE(filename) and General File Considerations.