Data Structure Examples

The following examples show various uses for data structures and how to define them.

Example Description
Figure 1 Using a data structure to subdivide a field
Figure 2 Using a data structure to group fields
Figure 3 Using keywords QUALIFIED, LIKEDS, and DIM with data structures, and how to code fully-qualified subfields
Figure 4 Data structure with absolute and length notation
Figure 5 Rename and initialize an externally described data structure
Figure 6 Using PREFIX to rename all fields in an external data structure
Figure 7 Defining a multiple occurrence data structure
Figure 8 Aligning data structure subfields
Figure 9 Defining a *LDA data area data structure
Figure 10 Using data area data structures (1)
Figure 11 Using data area data structures (2)
Figure 12 Using an indicator data structure
Figure 13 Using a multiple-occurrence indicator data structure
Figure 1. Using a Data structure to subdivide a field
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 * Use length notation to define the data structure subfields.
 * You can refer to the entire data structure by using Partno, or by
 * using the individual subfields Manufactr, Drug, Strength or Count.
D Partno          DS
D  Manufactr                     4
D  Drug                          6
D  Strength                      3
D  Count                         3  0
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Records in program described file FILEIN contain a field, Partno,
 *  which needs to be subdivided for processing in this program.
 *  To achieve this, the field Partno is described as a data structure
 *  using the above Definition specification
IFILEIN    NS  01   1 CA    2 CB
I                                  3   18  Partno
I                                 19   29  Name
I                                 30   40  Patno
Figure 2. Using a data structure to group fields
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  When you use a data structure to group fields, fields from
 *  non-adjacent locations on the input record can be made to occupy
 *  adjacent internal locations. The area can then be referred to by
 *  the data structure name or individual subfield name.
D Partkey         DS
D  Location                      4
D  Partno                        8
D  Type                          4
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Fields from program described file TRANSACTN need to be
 *  compared to the field retrieved from an Item_Master file
ITRANSACTN NS  01   1 C1    2 C2
I                                  3   10  Partno
I                                 11   16 0Quantity
I                                 17   20  Type
I                                 21   21  Code
I                                 22   25  Location
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Use the data structure name Partkey, to compare to the field
 *  Item_Nbr
C                   :
C     Partkey       IFEQ      Item_Nbr                               99
C                   :
Figure 3. Using Keywords QUALIFIED, LIKEDS and DIM with data structures
     D CustomerInfo     DS                         QUALIFIED BASED(@)
     D    Name                               20A
     D    Address                            50A

     D ProductInfo      DS                         QUALIFIED BASED(@)
     D    Number                              5A
     D    Description                        20A
     D    Cost                                9P 2

     D SalesTransaction...
     D                  DS                         QUALIFIED
     D    Buyer                                    LIKEDS(CustomerInfo)
     D    Seller                                   LIKEDS(CustomerInfo)
     D    NumProducts                        10I 0
     D    Products                                 LIKEDS(ProductInfo)
     D                                             DIM(10)

          TotalCost = 0;
          for i = 1 to SalesTransation. Numproducts;
              TotalCost = TotalCost + SalesTransaction.Products (i).Cost;
              dsply SalesTransaction.Products (i).Cost;
          dsply ('Total cost is ' + %char(TotalCost));
Figure 4. Data structure with absolute and length notation
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Define a program described data structure called FRED
 *  The data structure is composed of 5 fields:
 *   1.   An array with element length 10 and dimension 70(Field1)
 *   2.   A field of length 30 (Field2)
 *   3/4. Divide Field2 in 2 equal length fields (Field3 and Field4)
 *   5.   Define a binary field over the 3rd field
 *  Note the indentation to improve readability
 *  Absolute notation:
 *  The compiler will determine the array element length (Field1)
 *  by dividing the total length (700) by the dimension (70)
D FRED            DS
D  Field1                 1    700    DIM(70)
D  Field2               701    730
D   Field3              701    715
D    Field5             701    704B 2
D   Field4              716    730
 *  Length notation:
 *  The OVERLAY keyword is used to subdivide Field2
D FRED            DS
D  Field1                       10    DIM(70)
D  Field2                       30
D   Field3                      15    OVERLAY(Field2)
D    Field5                      4B 2 OVERLAY(Field3)
D   Field4                      15    OVERLAY(Field2:16)
Figure 5. Rename and initialize an externally described data structure
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Define an externally described data structure with internal name
 *  FRED and external name EXTDS and rename field CUST to CUSTNAME
 *  Initialize CUSTNAME to 'GEORGE' and PRICE to 1234.89.
 *  Assign to subfield ITMARR the DIM keyword.
 *  The ITMARR subfield is defined in the external description as a
 *  100 byte character field.  This divides the 100 byte character
 *  field into 10 array elements, each 10 bytes long.
 *  Using the DIM keyword on an externally described numeric subfield
 *  should be done with caution, because it will divide the field into
 *  array elements (similar to the way it does when absolute notation
 *  is used for program described subfields).
D Fred          E DS                  EXTNAME(EXTDS)
D   CUSTNAME    E                     EXTFLD(CUST) INZ('GEORGE')
D   PRICE       E                     INZ(1234.89)
D   ITMARR      E                     DIM(10)
Figure 6. Using PREFIX to rename all fields in an external data structure
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
D extds1        E DS                  EXTNAME (CUSTDATA)
D                                     PREFIX (CU_)
D   Name        E                     INZ ('Joe's Garage')
D   Custnum     E                     EXTFLD (NUMBER)
 *  The previous data structure will expand as follows:
 *  -- All externally described fields are included in the data
 *     structure
 *  -- Renamed subfields keep their new names
 *  -- Subfields that are not renamed are prefixed with the
 *     prefix string
 *  Expanded data structure:
D EXTDS1        E DS
D   CU_NAME     E               20A   EXTFLD (NAME)
D                                     INZ ('Joe's Garage')
D   CU_ADDR     E               50A   EXTFLD (ADDR)
D   CUSTNUM     E                9S0  EXTFLD (NUMBER)
D   CU_SALESMN  E                7P0  EXTFLD (SALESMN)
Figure 7. Defining a multiple occurrence data structure
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Define a Multiple Occurrence data structure of 20 elements with:
 *  -- 3 fields of character 20
 *  -- A 4th field of character 10 which overlaps the 2nd
 *     field starting at the second position.
 *  Named constant 'Max_Occur' is used to define the number of
 *  occurrences.
 *  Absolute notation (using begin/end positions)
D Max_Occur       C                   CONST(20)
DDataStruct       DS                  OCCURS (Max_Occur)
D field1                  1     20
D field2                 21     40
D  field21               22     31
D field3                 41     60
 *  Mixture of absolute and length notation
D DataStruct      DS                  OCCURS(twenty)
D  field1                       20
D  field2                       20
D   field21              22     31
D  field3                41     60
Figure 8. Aligning Data Structure Subfields
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 * Data structure with alignment:
D MyDS            DS                  ALIGN
 *  Properly aligned subfields
 *    Integer subfields using absolute notation.
D    Subf1                33    34I 0
D    Subf2                37    40I 0
 *    Integer subfields using length notation.
 *    Note that Subf3 will go directly after Subf2
 *    since positions 41-42 are on a 2-byte boundary.
 *    However, Subf4 must be placed in positions 45-48
 *    which is the next 4-byte boundary after 42.
D    Subf3                       5I 0
D    Subf4                      10I 0
 *    Integer subfields using OVERLAY.
D    Group               101   120A
D      Subf6                     5I 0 OVERLAY (Group: 3)
D      Subf7                    10I 0 OVERLAY (Group: 5)
D      Subf8                     5U 0 OVERLAY (Group: 9)
 *  Subfields that are not properly aligned:
 *    Integer subfields using absolute notation:
D    SubfX1               10    11I 0
D    SubfX2               15    18I 0
 *    Integer subfields using OVERLAY:
D    BadGroup            101   120A
D      SubfX3                    5I 0 OVERLAY (BadGroup: 2)
D      SubfX4                   10I 0 OVERLAY (BadGroup: 6)
D      SubfX5                   10U 0 OVERLAY (BadGroup: 11)
 *    Integer subfields using OVERLAY:
D    WorseGroup          200   299A
D      SubfX6                    5I 0 OVERLAY (WorseGroup)
D      SubfX7                   10I 0 OVERLAY (WorseGroup: 3)
 * The subfields receive warning messages for the following reasons:
 * SubfX1 - end position (11) is not a multiple of 2 for a 2 byte field.
 * SubfX2 - end position (18) is not a multiple of 4 for a 4 byte field.
 * SubfX3 - end position (103) is not a multiple of 2.
 * SubfX4 - end position (109) is not a multiple of 4.
 * SubfX5 - end position (114) is not a multiple of 4.
 * SubfX6 - end position (201) is not a multiple of 2.
 * SubfX7 - end position (205) is not a multiple of 4.
Figure 9. Defining a *LDA data area data structure
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Define a data area data structure based on the *LDA.
 *  Example 1:
 *  A data area data structure with no name is based on the *LDA.
 *  In this case, the DTAARA keyword does not have to be used.
D                UDS
D  SUBFLD                 1    600A
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Example 2:
 *  This data structure is explicitly based on the *LDA using
 *  the DTAARA keyword.  Since it is not a data area data
 *  structure, it must be handled using IN and OUT operations.
D LDA_DS          DS                  DTAARA(*LDA)
D  SUBFLD                 1    600A
C                   IN        LDA_DS
C                   OUT       LDA_DS
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Example 3:
 *  This data structure is explicitly based on the *LDA using
 *  the DTAARA keyword.  Since it is a data area data
 *  structure, it is read in during initialization and written
 *  out during termination.  It can also be handled using IN
 *  and OUT operations, since the DTAARA keyword was used.
D LDA_DS         UDS                  DTAARA(*LDA)
D  SUBFLD                 1    600A
C                   IN        LDA_DS
C                   OUT       LDA_DS
Figure 10. Using data area data structures (program 1)
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
H DFTNAME(Program1)
FSALESDTA  IF   E             DISK
 *  This program uses a data area data structure to accumulate
 *  a series of totals.  The data area subfields are then added
 *  to fields from the file SALESDTA.
D  Totals        UDS
D    Tot_amount                  8 2
D    Tot_gross                  10 2
D    Tot_net                    10 2
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
C                   :
C                   EVAL      Tot_amount = Tot_amount + amount
C                   EVAL      Tot_gross  = Tot_gross  + gross
C                   EVAL      Tot_net    = Tot_net    + net
Figure 11. Using data area data structures (program 2)
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
H DFTNAME(Program2)
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  This program processes the totals accumulated in Program1.
 *  Program2 then uses the total in the subfields to do calculations.
D  Totals        UDS
D    Tot_amount                  8 2
D    Tot_gross                  10 2
D    Tot_net                    10 2
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
C                   :
C                   EVAL      *IN91 =  (Amount2 <> Tot_amount)
C                   EVAL      *IN92 =  (Gross2 <> Tot_gross)
C                   EVAL      *IN93 =  (Net2   <> Tot_net)
C                   :
Figure 12. Using an indicator data structure
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 * Indicator data structure "DispInds" is associated to file "Disp".
FDisp      CF   E             WORKSTN INDDS (DispInds)
 * This is the indicator data structure:
D DispInds        DS
 * Conditioning indicators for format "Query"
D    ShowName             21    21N
 * Response indicators for format "Query"
D    Exit                  3     3N
D    Return               12    12N
D    BlankNum             31    31N
 * Conditioning indicators for format "DispSflCtl"
D    SFLDSPCTL            41    41N
D    SFLDSP               42    42N
D    SFLEND               43    43N
D    SFLCLR               44    44N
 * Set indicators to display the subfile:
C                   EVAL      SFLDSP = *ON
C                   EVAL      SFLEND = *OFF
C                   EVAL      SFLCLR = *OFF
C                   EXFMT     DispSFLCTL
 * Using indicator variables, we can write more readable programs:
C                   EXFMT     Query
C                   IF        Exit or Return
C                   RETURN
C                   ENDIF
Figure 13. Using a multiple-occurrence indicator data structure
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 * Indicator data structure "ErrorInds" is associated to file "Disp".
FDisp      CF   E             WORKSTN INDDS (ERRORINDS)
D @NameOk         C                    0
D @NameNotFound   C                    1
D @NameNotValid   C                    2
D @NumErrors      C                    2
 * Indicator data structure for ERRMSG:
D ERRORINDS        DS                   OCCURS(@NumErrors)
 * Indicators for ERRMSG:
D   NotFound               1     1N
D   NotValid               2     2N
 * Indicators for QUERY:
D    Exit                  3     3N
D    Refresh               5     5N
D    Return               12    12N
 * Prototype for GetName procedure (code not shown)
D GetName         PR            10I 0
D    Name                       50A    CONST
C                   DOU       Exit or Return
C                   EXFMT     QUERY
 * Check the response indicators
C                   SELECT
C                   WHEN      Exit or Return
C                   RETURN
C                   WHEN      Refresh
C                   RESET            QUERY
C                   ITER
C                   ENDSL
 * Check the name
C                   EVAL      RC = GetName(Name)
 * If it is not valid, display an error message
C                   IF        RC <> @NameOk
C     RC            OCCURS    ErrorInds
C                   EXFMT     ERRMSG
C                   ENDIF
C                   ENDDO
C     *INZSR        BEGSR
 * Initialize the occurrences of the ErrorInds data structure
C     @NameNotFound OCCUR     ErrorInds
C                   EVAL      NotFound = '1'
C     @NameNotValid OCCUR     ErrorInds
C                   EVAL      NotValid = '1'
C                   ENDSR