%PARMS (Return Number of Parameters)

%PARMS returns the number of parameters that were passed to the procedure in which %PARMS is used. For a cycle-main procedure, %PARMS is the same as *PARMS in the program status data structure.

When %PARMS is used in a procedure that was called by a bound call, the value returned by %PARMS is not available if the calling program or procedure does not pass a minimal operational descriptor. The ILE RPG compiler always passes one, but other languages do not. So if the caller is written in another ILE language, it will need to pass an operational descriptor on the call. If the operational descriptor is not passed, the value returned by %PARMS cannot be trusted. The value returned by %PARMS will be -1 if the system can determine that the operational descriptor was not passed, but in some cases when the system cannot detect this, the value returned by %PARMS may be an incorrect value that is zero or greater.

The value returned by %PARMS includes the additional first parameter that is used to handle the the return value when the RTNPARM keyword is specified. For more information, see RTNPARM.

For more information, see Call Operations or Built-in Functions.

Figure 1. %PARMS Example
 * Prototype for procedure MaxInt which calculates the maximum
 * value of its parameters (at least 2 parameters must be passed)
D MaxInt          PR            10I 0
D  p1                           10I 0 VALUE
D  p2                           10I 0 VALUE
D  p3                           10I 0 VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
D  p4                           10I 0 VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
D  p5                           10I 0 VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
D Fld1            S             10A   DIM(40)
D Fld2            S             20A
D Fld3            S            100A
C     *ENTRY        PLIST
C                   PARM                    MaxSize          10 0
 * Make sure the main procedure was passed a parameter
C                   IF        %PARMS < 1
C     'No parms'    DSPLY
C                   RETURN
C                   ENDIF
 * Determine the maximum size of Fld1, Fld2 and Fld3
C                   EVAL      MaxSize = MaxInt(%size(Fld1:*ALL) :
C                                             %size(Fld2) :
C                                             %size(Fld3))
C     'MaxSize is'  DSPLY                   MaxSize
C                   RETURN
 * MaxInt - return the maximum value of the passed parameters
P MaxInt          B
D MaxInt          PI            10I 0
D  p1                           10I 0 VALUE
D  p2                           10I 0 VALUE
D  p3                           10I 0 VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
D  p4                           10I 0 VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
D  p5                           10I 0 VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
D Max             S             10I 0 INZ(*LOVAL)
 * Branch to the point in the calculations where we will never
 * access unpassed parameters.
C                   SELECT
C                   WHEN      %PARMS = 2
C                   GOTO      PARMS2
C                   WHEN      %PARMS = 3
C                   GOTO      PARMS3
C                   WHEN      %PARMS = 4
C                   GOTO      PARMS4
C                   WHEN      %PARMS = 5
C                   GOTO      PARMS5
C                   ENDSL
 * Determine the maximum value.  Max was initialized to *LOVAL.
C     PARMS5        TAG
C                   IF        p5 > Max
C                   EVAL      Max = p5
C                   ENDIF
C     PARMS4        TAG
C                   IF        p4 > Max
C                   EVAL      Max = p4
C                   ENDIF
C     PARMS3        TAG
C                   IF        p3 > Max
C                   EVAL      Max = p3
C                   ENDIF
C     PARMS2        TAG
C                   IF        p2 > Max
C                   EVAL      Max = p2
C                   ENDIF
C                   IF        p1 > Max
C                   EVAL      Max = p1
C                   ENDIF
C                   RETURN    Max
P MaxInt          E