Journal receiver commands

This table lists the specific authorities required for the journal receiver commands.

Command Referenced object Authority needed
For object For library
CRTJRNRCV Journal receiver   *READ, *ADD
DLTJRNRCV Journal receiver *OBJOPR, *OBJEXIST, and a data authority other than *EXECUTE *EXECUTE
DSPJRNRCVA Journal receiver *OBJOPR and a data authority other than *EXECUTE *EXECUTE
Journal, if attached *OBJOPR *EXECUTE
WRKJRNRCV 1, 2, 3 Journal receiver Any authority *USE
To use an individual operation, you must have the authority required by the operation.
*OBJOPR and *OBJEXIST authority is required for journal receivers if the option is chosen to delete receivers.
*OBJOPR and a data authority other than *EXECUTE is required for journal receivers if the option is chosen to display the description.