User-defined file system commands

This table lists the specific authorities required for the user-defined file system commands.

Command Referenced object Object type File system Authority needed for object
ADDMFS 1,2,3 dir_to_be_mounted_over *DIR "root" (/) *W
Path Prefix Refer to the general rules.
CRTUDFS 1,2,6,7 (Q) /dev/QASPxx or /dev/IASPname *DIR "root" (/) *RWX
DLTUDFS 1,2,4,5,8,9,10 (Q) /dev/QASPxx or /dev/IASPname *DIR "root" (/) *RWX
any integrated file system object in the UDFS   "root" (/) *OBJEXIST
Any non-empty directory object *DIR "root" (/) *WX
DSPUDFS some_dirsxx *DIR "root" (/) *RX
MOUNT 1,2,3 dir_to_be_ mounted_over *DIR "root" (/) *W
Path Prefix Refer to the general rules.
RMVMFS 1        
UNMOUNT 1        
To use this command, you must have *IOSYSCFG special authority.
There are two directory naming conventions depending on the location of the user-defined file system (UDFS). Use one of the following conventions:
  • - /dev/QASPxx where xx is 01 for the system asp or 02-32 for the basic user asps.
  • - /dev/IASPname where IASPname is the name of the independent ASP.
This is the directory that contains the *BLKSF that is being mounted.
The directory that is mounted over (dir_to_be_mounted_over) is any integrated file system directory that can be mounted over.
A UDFS can contain an entire subtree of objects, so when you delete a UDFS, you delete objects of all types that can be stored in the user-defined file system.
When using the DLTUDFS commands, you must have *OBJEXIST authority on every object in the UDFS or no objects are deleted.
You must have all object (*ALLOBJ) and security administrator (*SECADM) special authorities to specify a value for the Scanning option for objects (CRTOBJSCAN) parameter other than *PARENT.
The audit (*AUDIT) special authority is required when specifying a value other than *SYSVAL on the Auditing value for objects (CRTOBJAUD) parameter.
You must have write (*W) and execute (*X) authority to all of the non-empty directory objects in the UDFS.
If any non-empty directory object in the UDFS has the "restricted rename and unlink" attribute set to Yes (this attribute is equivalent to the S_ISVTX mode bit), then one or more of the following conditions must be true:
  • You must be the owner of all the objects contained in the directory.
  • You must be the owner of the directory.
  • You must have all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority.
The UDFS cannot be deleted if it contains an object with the read only attribute set to yes or if it contains an object that is checked out.