Troubleshooting service tools user IDs and passwords

When you have problems with service tools user IDs and passwords, refer to this information for solutions.

Problem 1:

You get an error that the password is not correct.

Be sure the password is entered in the correct case. The passwords shipped for the IBM-supplied service tools user IDs are uppercase. If you have changed your password, but sure to enter the password using the same case as when the password was changed.

Problem 2:

You lost the password for the QSECOFR service tools user ID.

Reset the password for the QSECOFR service tools user ID command.

Problem 3:

Your QSECOFR service tools user ID has become disabled because of too many incorrect password attempts. You know the password, but have typed incorrect characters or typed it in lowercase.

You can always sign on to dedicated service tools (DST) with the QSECOFR service tools user ID, even if the password is disabled. You can sign on to DST and re-enable the password from there.

Problem 4:

You get the error Service tools user ID password cannot be changed when attempting to change the password for your service tools user ID using the Change Password display from STRSST or when using the QSYCHGDS API.

Your service tools user ID is the default and has expired. The password cannot be changed from system service tools (SST) or by using the QSYCHGDS API. Use one of the following options:

  • Use another service tools ID with appropriate functional privileges to change your password. Then sign on and change your password to a value only you know.
  • Access DST to change your password.
  • Use another service tools user ID with the appropriate functional privileges to access the Work with System Security option (from DST or SST) and change the setting of the Allow a service tools user ID with a default and expired password to change its own password setting to 1 (Yes). Change your password, and then have the setting changed back to option 2 (No).