Retrieve Disk Information (RTVDSKINF)

The Retrieve Disk Information (RTVDSKINF) command is used to collect disk space information. Disk space information can then be printed using the Print Disk Information (PRTDSKINF) command. The collected information is stored in a database file in library QUSRSYS. The file name depends on the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device for which disk space information is retrieved. If the information was retrieved from the system and basic ASPs, the collected information will be stored in file QAEZDISK. If the information was retrieved from an independent ASP device, the collected information will be stored in file QAEZnnnnn, where 'nnnnn' is the ASP number of the independent ASP. The information will be stored in a data base file member named QCURRENT.

Each time this command is run, existing information in QCURRENT is written over. To save existing information in member QCURRENT, rename file QAEZDISK or QAEZDnnnnn, or copy the member to another file.

Note: Do not rename member QCURRENT within file QAEZDISK or QAEZDnnnnn. If there is more than one member in QAEZDISK or QAEZDnnnnn, the results of running this command can be unpredictable.

To get the most accurate and complete results, avoid running this command when the system is very busy. Collecting disk information can take longer when the system is busy and can slow the performance of other applications that are running.


  1. You must have all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority to collect disk space information.
  2. You must be enrolled in the system distribution directory to collect folder and document information. Use the Work with Directory Entries (WRKDIRE) command to enroll.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
ASPDEV ASP device Name, *SYSBAS Optional, Positional 1
DLTRCLOBJ Delete option *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 2

ASP device (ASPDEV)

Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device for which disk space information is to be retrieved.

Disk information for the system ASP and all basic ASPs is retrieved. The system ASP has an ASP number of 1. Basic ASPs have ASP numbers from 2 through 32.
Specify the name of the ASP device for which disk space information is to be retrieved. Independent ASP devices have ASP numbers greater than 32. You can submit multiple jobs, each performing RTVDSKINF on a different ASP device, to retrieve disk space information for multiple ASP devices in parallel.

Delete option (DLTRCLOBJ)

Specifies how inaccessible and damaged objects are handled.

Disk space information will be collected, but no objects will be deleted or moved into the reclaim library.
RTVDSKINF will also check that certain objects are addressable through a library. If the object is not in a library, it will be moved to the proper library or the QRCL library (for objects in the system or basic auxiliary storage pools) or library QRCLxxxxx (for objects in an independent auxiliary storage pool where 'xxxxx' is the number associated with the independent ASP). Objects found to be damaged or unusable will be deleted. A message will be sent for each object deleted by RTVDSKINF.


Example 1: Retrieving Basic System Information


This command retrieves disk space information for the system and basic auxiliary storage pools (ASPs), and stores it in member QCURRENT of database file QAEZDISK. Any information in member QCURRENT is overwritten.

Example 2: Retrieving Independent Disk Pool Information


This command retrieves disk space information for the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device named IASP40.

Some objects will be checked to verify that they are addressable through a library. If these objects are not in any library, they will be moved into a library. Damaged or unusable objects will be deleted.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Not authorized to collect disk space information.
File &1 is in use and cannot be accessed.
Unexpected error occurred.