Display DLO Name (DSPDLONAM)

The Display Document Library Object Name (DSPDLONAM) command is used to display or print alternate forms of a filed document, folder, or distribution document name.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
DLO Document library object Character value, *DOCID, *LADNTSP, *SYSOBJNAM Required, Positional 1
FLR Folder Character value, *NONE Optional, Positional 2
DOCID Document identifier Character value, *NONE Optional
LADNTSP LADN timestamp 0000000000000001-FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, *NONE Optional
SYSOBJNAM System object name Name, *NONE Optional
OBJCLS Object class *DOC, *FLR, *DST Optional
OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional

Document library object (DLO)

Specifies the document or folder for which alternate names are to be displayed or printed.

This is a required parameter.

The document or folder is identified using its library-assigned document name specified in the DOCID parameter. The Folder (FLR) parameter must be *NONE.
The document or folder is identified using its library-assigned document name (LADN) timestamp specified in the LADNTSP parameter. The FLR parameter must be *NONE.
The document or folder is identified using its system object name specified in the SYSOBJNAM parameter. The FLR parameter must be *NONE.
Specify the user-assigned name of the document or folder. The folder containing the specified document or folder is specified in the FLR parameter.

This is a required parameter.

Folder (FLR)

Specifies the folder path that contains the document or folder specified in the Document library object (DLO) parameter. The FLR parameter must be *NONE if the DLO parameter is *DOCID, *LADNTSP, or *SYSOBJNAM.

The document or folder is not contained in a folder, or is identified using the DOCID, LADNTSP, or SYSOBJNAM parameter.
Specify the name of the folder that contains the document or folder named in the DLO parameter.

Document identifier (DOCID)

Specifies the library-assigned name of the document. This is the name assigned to the document by the system when it was created. Documents filed outside the local system have only library-assigned document names. The library-assigned document names can be determined by using the Query Document Library (QRYDOCLIB) command or by the message returned from the File Document (FILDOC) command.

Library-assigned document names are 24 characters in length with the following format:



       YYYY = year
         MM = month
         DD = day
         HH = hour
         MN = minute
         SS = second
         HS = hundredths of a second
   SNSNSNSN = system name

A library-assigned document name is not specified for the object.
Specify the library-assigned name of the document or folder object. The library-assigned document name can be determined by using the Query Document Library (QRYDOCLIB) command or by the message returned from the File Document (FILDOC) or other command.

LADN timestamp (LADNTSP)

Specifies the library assigned document name (LADN) timestamp of the document or folder object. A LADN timestamp is specified only if *LADNTSP is specified on the Document library object (DLO) parameter.

A LADN timestamp is not specified for the object.
Specify the LADN timestamp of the document library object.

System object name (SYSOBJNAM)

Specifies the system object name of the document or folder object. A system object name is specified only if *SYSOBJNAM is specified on the Document library object (DLO) parameter.

A system object name is not specified for the object.
Specify the system object name of the document library object.

Object class (OBJCLS)

Specifies the class of the object to locate.

The specified DLO is a filed document.
The specified DLO is a folder.
The specified DLO is a distribution document.

Output (OUTPUT)

Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job's spooled output.

Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. Output requested by a batch job is printed with the job's spooled output.
The output is printed with the job's spooled output.



This command finds the document MYDOC in folder MYFLR and displays all forms of the document's name. If the job is running in batch mode, the information is printed and not displayed.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

&1 command failed.
Not authorized to distribution documents.
Not authorized to access folder &1.
Folder &1 not found.
Document &2 not found in folder &1.
Not authorized to access document &2 in folder &1.