sqludf_append()--SQL LOB Append to Locator

 #include <sqludf.h>

 extern int SQL_API_FN sqludf_append(
    udf_locator * udfloc_p,                                       
    unsigned char * buffer_p,                                       
    long          length,                                       
    long *        return_len_p)

  Service Program Name: QSYS/QSQAPIS

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The sqludf_append() function appends data to the end of the LOB data the locator represents.


(Input) Pointer to the LOB locator value.

(Input) Pointer to the buffer containing the data to append to the end of the LOB data represented by the locator.

(Input) The number of bytes to append.

(Input/Output) Pointer to the number of bytes actually appended.


No authorization is required.

Return Value


returns an integer. Possible values are:

sqludf_append() was successful. The information is returned in the buffer pointed to by return_len_p.

sqludf_append() was not successful. An invalid parameter was passed into the function.

sqludf_append() was not successful. The resulting length of the append exceeds the maximum allowed. The maximum length is 2147483647 bytes.

sqludf_append() was not successful. The udfloc_p parameter points to an invalid locator value.

sqludf_append() was not successful. An SQL system error has occurred.

sqludf_append() was not successful. LOB locators are not allowed with COMMIT(*NONE).

Error Messages

Usage Notes

  1. This API is used to append data to the end of the LOB data represented by the locator.

Related Information


This UDF takes a locator for an input LOB, and returns a locator for another LOB which is a subset of the input LOB. There are some criteria passed as a second input value, which tell the UDF how exactly to break up the input LOB.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqludf.h>
void SQL_API_FN lob_subsetter(
          udf_locator * lob_input,   /* locator of LOB value to carve up */
          char        * criteria,    /* criteria for carving */
          udf_locator * lob_output,  /* locator of result LOB value */
          sqlint16 * inp_nul,
          sqlint16 * cri_nul,
          sqlint16 * out_nul,
          char     * sqlstate,
          char     * funcname,
          char     * specname,
          char     * msgtext ) {
       /* local vars */
       short j;              /* local indexing var */
       int   rc;             /* return code variable for API calls */
       sqlint32  input_len;  /* receiver for input LOB length */
       sqlint32  input_pos;  /* current position for scanning input LOB */
       char lob_buf[100];    /* data buffer */
       sqlint32  input_rec;  /* number of bytes read by sqludf_substr */
       sqlint32  output_rec; /* number of bytes written by sqludf_append */
        * UDF Program Logic Starts Here
        * What we do is create an output handle, and then
        * loop over the input, 50 bytes at a time.
        * Depending on the "criteria" passed in, we may decide
        * to append the 50 byte input lob segment to the output, or not.
        * Create the output locator, right in the return buffer.
       rc = sqludf_create_locator(SQL_TYP_CLOB, &lob_output);
       /* Error and exit if unable to create locator */
       if (rc) {
          memcpy (sqlstate, "38901", 5); 
          /* special sqlstate for this condition */
          goto exit;
       /* Find out the size of the input LOB value */
       rc = sqludf_length(lob_input, &input_len) ;
       /* Error and exit if unable to find out length */
       if (rc) {
          memcpy (sqlstate, "38902", 5); 
          /* special sqlstate for this condition */
          goto exit;
       /* Loop to read next 50 bytes, and append to result if it meets
        * the criteria.
       for (input_pos = 1; (input_pos < input_len); input_pos += 50) {
         /* Read the next 50 (or less) bytes of the input LOB value */
         rc = sqludf_substr(lob_input, input_pos, 50,
                            (unsigned char *) lob_buf, &input_rec) ;
         /* Error and exit if unable to read the segment */
         if (rc) {
            memcpy (sqlstate, "38903", 5); 
            /* special sqlstate for this condition */
            goto exit;
         /* apply the criteria for appending this segment to result
	  * if (...predicate involving buffer and criteria...) {
	  * The example shows if the segment matches the first 6
          * characters with the criteria it is appended.
         if (memcmp(lob_buf,criteria,6) == 0) {         
            rc = sqludf_append(lob_output,
                       (unsigned char *) lob_buf, input_rec, &output_rec) ;
            /* Error and exit if unable to read the 50 byte segment */
            if (rc) {
               memcpy (sqlstate, "38904", 5); 
               /* special sqlstate for this condition */
               goto exit;
         /* } end if criteria for inclusion met */
       } /* end of for loop, processing 50-byte chunks of input LOB
          * if we fall out of for loop, we are successful, and done.
       *out_nul = 0;
       exit: /* used for errors, which will override null-ness of output. */

Referring to this UDF code, observe that:

Following is the CREATE FUNCTION statement for this UDF:

       NO SQL 
       LANGUAGE C 
       EXTERNAL NAME 'MYLIB/LOBUDFS(lob_subsetter)' ;

Referring to this statement, observe that:

Now you can successfully run the following statement:

    strcpy(hvchar,"return this text 1                                "         
                  "remove 1                                          "         
                  "return this text 2                                "         
                  "remove 2                                          ");       
    exec sql set :hvloc = clob(:hvchar);                                       
    exec sql set :hvloc2 = carve(:hvloc,'return');                             
    exec sql set :hvchar = char(:hvloc2);                                      

The UDF is used to subset the value represented by the host variable :hvchar. The first and third 50 byte character segments are returned from the UDF.

API introduced: V5R3

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