rexec()--Issue a Command on a Remote Host

 #include <arpa/rexec.h>

 int rexec(char **host,
           int port,
           char *user,
           char *password,
           char *command,
           int *errorDescriptor);  

  Service Program Name: QSOSRV2

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The rexec() function is used to open a connection to a remote host and send a user ID, password, and command to the remote host. The remote host verifies that the user ID and password are valid. The command is issued after the user ID and password are validated.


host (Input) 
A pointer to a character string that identifies the name of a remote host.

port (Input) 
The well-known Internet port to use for the connection. A pointer to the structure containing the necessary port can be obtained by issuing the following call:
   getservbyname("exec", "tcp");

The port returned by getservbyname() is the port on which the remote host is listening for incoming rexec() connections.

user (Input) 
A character string that identifies a valid user on the remote host.

password (Input) 
A character string that identifies the password for the user on the remote host. Specify a value of NULL if password security is not active on the remote host.

command (Input) 
A character string that identifies the command to be issued on the remote host.

errorDescriptor (Input/Output) 
One of the following values:

Return Value

rexec() returns an integer. Possible values are:

(successful) A socket to the remote command is returned and can be used to receive results of running the command on the remote host.
  • If errorDescriptor is non-NULL, standard error results of running the command on the remote host can be received by using the errorDescriptor.
  • If errorDescriptor is NULL, standard error results of running the command on the remote host can be received with the standard output results by using the return value from rexec().

(unsuccessful) Refer to errno for a description of the failure.
  • If errno is 0 and errorDescriptor is NULL, the host does not exist or remote authorization failed.
  • If errno is 0 and errorDescriptor is -1, the host does not exist.
  • If errno is 0 and errorDescriptor is non-negative, remote authorization failed.


No authorization is required.

Error Conditions

When the rexec() API fails, errno can be set to one of following:

Usage Notes

Related Information


The following example shows how rexec() is used.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <qtqiconv.h>
#include <arpa/rexec.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define BufLen 256

void main()
  int sd = -1, rc;
  int responseLen = BufLen;
  int outbytesleft = BufLen;
  int bytesRead, saveBytesRead;
  struct servent serv_ent;
  struct servent_data serv_ent_data;
  char inbuf[BufLen];
  char outbuf[BufLen];
  char *inbufPtr = (char *)inbuf;
  char *outbufPtr = (char *)outbuf;
  iconv_t cd;
  QtqCode_T toCode   = {0,0,0,0,0,0};    /* Convert to job CCSID */
  QtqCode_T fromCode = {819,0,0,1,0,0};  /* ASCII CCSID */
  char *host;
  char remoteHost[256] = "remoteHost";
  char user[32] = "userName";
  char password[32] = "myPassword";
  char cmd[256] = "commandToRun";
  int *errordesc = NULL;

  /* Must zero this out before call or results will be unpredictable. */
  memset(&serv_ent_data.serve_control_blk, 0x00, sizeof(struct netdb_control_block));

  /* retrieve the rexec server port number */
  rc = getservbyname_r("exec", "tcp", &serv_ent, &serv_ent_data);
  if (rc < 0)
    printf("getservbyname_r() failed with errno = %d\n",errno);

  host = remoteHost;
  errno = 0;

  /* Issue the rexec API */
  sd = rexec(&host, serv_ent.s_port, user, password, cmd, errordesc);
  if (sd == -1) /* check if rexec() failed */
    if (errno)
      printf("rexec() failed with errno = %d\n",errno);
      printf("Either the host does not exist or remote authentication failed.\n");
  else /* rexec() was successful */
    bytesRead = recv(sd, inbuf, responseLen, 0);
    if (bytesRead > 0)
      saveBytesRead = bytesRead;
      inbuf[bytesRead-1] = 0;  /* Null terminate */
      /* translate from ASCII to EBCDIC */
      cd = QtqIconvOpen(&toCode, &fromCode);
            (unsigned char **)&inbufPtr,
            (unsigned int *)&bytesRead,
            (unsigned char **)&outbufPtr,
            (unsigned int *)&outbytesleft);
      outbufPtr -= saveBytesRead;  /* Reset the buffer pointers */
    else if (bytesRead == 0)
      printf("The remote host closed the connection.\n");
      printf("recv() failed with errno = %d\n",errno);
  if (sd != -1)
    close(sd);  /* close the connection. */

API introduced: V5R1

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