Send Service Request (QPDETSND) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *EXCLUDE

  Threadsafe: No

The Send Service Request (QPDETSND) API sends the request to the Service Monitor or to the Service Control job.

If the Service Control job is not active, the job will be submitted.

If the Service Monitor is not active, and the request is for a Service Monitor function, a request will be submitted to the Service Control job to start the Service Monitor before sending the request.

Authorities and Locks

Authority to use the API

Required Parameter Group

Request data

Information to use while processing the request. The format of this data is specified by the Format of request data parameter.

Length of request data

How long the request data is.

Format of request data. This indicates the type of request being submitted. Only the following values are accepted:

SNDR 0100    Send a refresh Service Monitor policy file request.

SNDR 0200    Send a start function request.

SNDR 0300    Send a stop function request.

SNDR 0400    Send a Service event request.

SNDR 0500    Send a change logging level request.

SNDR 0600    Send a handle changed system value request.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

SNDR0100 - Refresh Policy File Request

SNDR0200 - Start a Function Request

SNDR0300 - Stop a Function Request

SNDR0400 - Service Event Request

SNDR0500 - Change Logging Levels Request

SNDR0600 - Handle Changed System Value Request

Field Descriptions

Functions to start. An array of BINARY(4) values. Each value indicates a particular function to start. Supported values are:

Functions to stop. An array of BINARY(4) values. Each value indicates a particular function to stop. Supported values are:

Length of header information. The length of the fixed portion of the header information. It must be 42.

Length of policy data. The length of the provided data.

Length of service event data. The length of the service event data provided.

Logging level. The logging level of the Service Monitor function. This value should only be used when requested by IBM Support personnel. This changes the amount of data which the Service Monitor logs for problem determination reasons. Supported values are:

Number of functions to start. How many functions to start.

Number of functions to stop. How many functions to stop.

Number of system values changed. How many system values where changed.

Offset to service event. The offset to the field that holds the service event request. It must be 36.

Policy data. This data is in schema validated XML format. The location of the XSD file is imbedded within the XML.

Service event data. Data about the service event being sent. This data is in schema validated XML format. The location of the XSD file is imbedded within the XML. This format can be generated by using the Convert Format of Service Information (QPDETCVT) API with a format name of CVTS0100 or CVTS0200.

Service event error detection. Indicates who found the error and sending a service request.

The possible values are:

Service event identifier. The name of the session that is sending a request. If there is not session identifier, the value should be *NONE

Service event type. Type of event that is sending a request.

The possible values are:

System value names. An array containing the names of the system values that were changed. Supported values are:

Type of policy data. The type of policy data provided. Supported values are:

Error Messages

The following messages may be sent from this function:

API introduced: V5R4

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