Open Stream File (QHFOPNSF) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: No

The Open Stream File (QHFOPNSF) API opens and optionally creates a single stream file. Applications can use the QHFOPNSF API to perform these tasks:

Do not use the QHFOPNSF API to change the directory entry attributes for an existing file. Instead, see Change Directory Entry Attributes (QHFCHGAT) API.

When the file is opened, the file pointer is set to the first byte of the file (position 0). Subsequent read/write operations move or increase the value of the file pointer. To move it explicitly, see Change File Pointer (QHFCHGFP) API.

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter Group

Open file handle

An identifier made up of arbitrary characters assigned by the API and used to refer to the file in subsequent operations.

Path name

The path name for the file. The last element of the path name is the file name.

Path name length

The length of the path name, in bytes.

Open information

Whether or not to open the file, and what the opened file's characteristics are. Each character of this parameter has a specific meaning. The characters and their meanings are:

Attribute information table

The table specifying the attributes of the directory entry for this file. The file system determines which standard and extended attributes you can specify. For detailed descriptions of the standard attributes and the format of the table, see HFS Attribute Information Table.

Use this parameter only when creating a new file or replacing an existing file. It is ignored when opening an existing file.

Length of the attribute information table

The length of the attribute information table, in bytes, or a special value indicating which attributes to use. Valid values are:

Action taken

One of these values, indicating the action taken by the file system:

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Lock and Access Modes

Lock and access modes determine which operations jobs can perform on files. The following sections describe lock and access modes in detail.

Lock Modes

The lock mode determines the type of access your job lets other jobs have to the file. For example, if other jobs can continue reading a file but cannot write to it without impeding your job, specify deny write. This lock mode lets other jobs read the file but keeps them from writing to it.

When you assign a lock mode, it applies only to that specific occurrence of the file being opened. The lock mode you specified when opening a stream file restricts open operations by other jobs only; it does not restrict additional open operations by the job that locked the file.

A file can be opened multiple times by different jobs as long as the lock modes specified on the open operations are compatible.

Any locks placed on a file opened with the QHFOPNSF API are removed when the file is closed with the Close Stream File (QHFCLOSF) API or when the job ends.

The lock modes you can specify when opening a file are:

Access Modes

The access mode characteristic determines the type of access your job needs to the file. For example, if your job requires read/write access and another job has already opened the file with a lock mode of deny none, your open request succeeds. However, if another job opened the file with a lock mode of deny write, your job is denied access.

The following table shows the results of opening and then trying to reopen the same file using all combinations of access and lock modes:

Error Messages

API introduced: V2R1

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