Open Directory (QHFOPNDR) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: No

The Open Directory (QHFOPNDR) API opens the specified directory so its directory entries can be read. At open time, the directory pointer points to the first entry in the directory. As directory entries are read using the Read Directory Entries (QHFRDDR) API, the directory pointer advances so that the next entries will be read during future read operations.

Opening a directory can help streamline information retrieval and protect the directory. For example, you might open a directory to:

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter Group

Directory handle

An identifier made up of arbitrary characters returned by the API and used to identify the directory for subsequent operations, such as reading and closing.

Path name

The path name for the directory being opened. The path and directory must exist.

For the directory name (the last element of the path name), you can use either a specific name or a generic name.

If the last element in the path is a specific name, that directory is opened and all directory entries in the directory are available for subsequent read operations.

If the last element in the path is a generic name, it identifies the directory entries to make available for subsequent read operations; the previous name in the path specifies the directory to open. Directory entries that are in the directory to open and that match the generic name are made available.

You can use these special matching characters in generic names:

For example, /QDLS/BUSY/DEPT* indicates all directories and files that have names beginning with DEPT and that are located in directory BUSY in the QDLS file system.

Path name length

The length of the path name, in bytes.

Open information

Information about the type and mode of the open operation. The characters and their meanings are:

Attribute selection table

The table specifying which attributes are available when reading directory entries. The file system determines which standard and extended attributes you can specify. For detailed descriptions of the standard attributes, see HFS Directory Entry Attributes. For the format of the table, see HFS Attribute Selection Table.

This parameter lets you choose which attributes of the directory entries are available for reading when the directory is open. It does not determine which directory entries can be read. Use the path name parameter to select the directory entries you want to read.

Length of the attribute selection table

The length of the table, in bytes, or a special value indicating which attributes are made available. Valid values are:

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Error Messages

API introduced: V2R1

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