ldap_enetwork_domain_set()-- Store the User's Default eNetwork Domain Name

 #include <ldap.h>
 int ldap_enetwork_domain_set(
       char           *edomain,
       char           *filename)

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Library Name/Service Program: QSYS/QGLDCLNT

  Threadsafe: Yes

The ldap_enetwork_domain_set() API is used to store the user's default eNetwork domain name (specified as a NULL terminated string).

The eNetwork domain name (along with the user's default Domain Name Service (DNS) domain name) is used to identify the user's LDAP authentication domain. For example, if a user's eNetwork domain name is "chicago", and the user's DNS domain is midwest.illinois.com, then information can be published in DNS that associates ldap.chicago.midwest.illinois.com with a collection of LDAP servers (master(s) and replicas). This permits applications to easily find an appropriate LDAP authentication server, by using the ldap_server_locate() API.

An application can retrieve the eNetwork domain name by calling ldap_enetwork_domain_get().

The eNetwork domain name is stored on disk. For IBM® i, the default file the information will be stored in will be called ldap_user_info and will be put into the user's home directory. A user's home directory is specified in the user's profile. The home directory must be created prior to calling ldap_enetwork_domain_set() and is not created as part of the creation of a user's profile. It will be stored in the local character set format.

Authorities and Locks

The caller must have Execute (*X) authority to each directory in the path name preceding the name of the user information file. The caller must have Write (*W) authority to the user information file. If the file doesn't exist in the directory, the caller must have Write (*W) authority to the file's parent directory.


(Input) Specifies the name of the eNetwork domain to which the user belongs.
(Input) Specifies an alternative location for the user's default eNetwork domain name. If only a filename is given for the filename parameter then a file will be created in the current directory, otherwise, if a path is given as well as a filename as part of the filename parameter, the file will be created following the given path.

Return Value

if the request was successful.

another LDAP error code
if the request was not successful.

Error Conditions

The ldap_enetwork_domain_set() API will return an LDAP error code if not successful. See LDAP Client API Error Conditions for possible LDAP error code values.

Error Messages

The following message may be sent from this function.

Related Information

API introduced: V4R5

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