Connection string keywords - Catalog properties

Use these IBM® i Access ODBC driver connection string keywords to change Catalog properties of the ODBC connection.

The following table lists connection string keywords for Catalog properties that are recognized by the IBM i Access ODBC driver:

Table 1. IBM i Access ODBC connection string keywords for the Catalog properties
Keyword Description Choices Default
CATALOGOPTIONS Specifies one or more options to affect how catalog APIs return information. To specify multiple catalog options, add the values associated with the options that you want. To determine the value for this keyword, add the values below that are associated with each option that you want.

1 = Return information about aliases in the SQLColumns result set.

2 = Return result set information for SQLTablePrivileges and SQLColumnPrivileges.

LIBVIEW or LibraryView Specifies the set of libraries to be searched when returning information when using wildcards with catalog APIs. In most cases, use the default library list or default library option as searching all the libraries on the server will take a long time. 0 = Use default library list

1 = All libraries on the server

2 = Use default library only

REMARKS or ODBCRemarks Specifies the source of the text for REMARKS columns in catalog API result sets. 0 = IBM i object description

1 = SQL object comment

SEARCHPATTERN Specifies whether the driver will interprets string search patterns and underscores in the library and table names as wildcards (search patterns). By default, % is treated as an 'any number of characters' wildcard, and _ is treated as a 'single character' wildcard. 0 = Do not treat search patterns as wildcards

1 = Treat search patterns as wildcards

Note: "A/DEFAULT(IBM),x,0,y,z,0" is the default value for PKG or DefaultPackage.