Printing files to a remote system

If you have a local printer attached to your host, then the following procedures refer to printing to a remote printer. If you have no local printer, then the following procedures refers to printing to a nondefault remote printer.

  1. Your host name must appear in the /etc/hosts.lpd file of the remote host.
    Note: The queuing system does not support multibyte host names.

    To implement changes to the /etc/hosts.lpd file without restarting the system, use the System Resource Controller (SRC) refresh command.

  2. You must be able to determine the queue name and the remote printer name in your local /usr/lib/lpd/qconfig file

You can use either the enq command or the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to complete this task.

Note: This section explains how to print to a remote host at the simplest level possible. For more information and ideas about remote printing, see enq command.