Displaying status of a subsystem or subsystems

Use the lssrc command to display the status of a System Resource Controller (SRC) resource such as a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.

All subsystems can return a short status report that includes which group the subsystem belongs to, whether the subsystem is active, and what its process ID (PID) is. If a subsystem does not use the signals communication method, it can be programmed to return a long status report containing additional status information.

The lssrc command provides flags and parameters for specifying the subsystem by name or PID, for listing all subsystems, for requesting a short or long status report, and for requesting the status of SRC resources either locally or on remote hosts.

See the srcmstr command for the configuration requirements to support remote SRC requests.

Displaying the Status of Subsystems Tasks
Task SMIT Fast Path Command or File
Display the status of a subsystem (long format) smit qssys lssrc -l -s SubsystemName
Display the status of all subsystems smit lsssys lssrc -a
Display the status of all subsystems on a particular host   lssrc -hHostName -a