Reset statistics to zero

The reset request resets the statistics that are displayed with fs_io_s and io_s requests. The reset request does not reset the histogram data, which is controlled and displayed with rhist requests.

Table 1 describes the keywords for the reset response, in the order that they appear in the output. These keywords are used only when mmpmon is invoked with the -p flag. The response is a single string.

Table 1. Keywords and values for the mmpmon reset response
Keyword Description
_n_ IP address of the node responding. This is the address by which GPFS knows the node.
_nn_ The hostname that corresponds to the IP address (the _n_ value).
_rc_ Indicates the status of the operation.
_t_ Indicates the current time of day in seconds (absolute seconds since Epoch (1970)).
_tu_ Microseconds part of the current time of day.